Monstroid 2 Lite - 免费的 WordPress 主题
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Monstroid 2 Lite 是一个专为博客设计的出色主题。它具有像素完美的排版、面向内容的设计和一组很棒的选项,可以最大程度地控制您的网站外观和感觉。除此之外,船上还有一组很棒的小部件。 Monstroid 2 Lite 是 Monstroid 2 的免费版本 - 另一个伟大的 GPL WordPress 主题,适用于商业、电子商务和在线出版
3 Reviews for this product
Monstroid 2 Lite is - as the name says – the simplified free version of the Monstroid 2 theme and at the same time it is a multipurpose wordpress theme.
Monstroid 2 Lite features an incredibly flexible design that can be adapted to any niche. Its full-featured package has something for everyone regardless of their skill levels.
Monstroid 2 Lite is supplied with tons of handy features, and gives you an absolute freedom to do anything you like with your site. Whether you are a newbie or a know-how guy, this revolutionary wordpress theme will become your true assistant in building a any website you want.
Give it a try to Monstroid 2 Lite wordpress theme and you’ll have everything at your disposal whenever you need it.
What others offer for a fee, Monstroid 2 Lite offers for free and it is a 100% under GPL license!
для тестового шаблона круто!
масса настроек внешнего вида css редактор..
Great! I like to work with new theme... thinking about buying...
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