Nice, clean, fresh looking template. It was pleasure to use, adapt for my usage. It leverages font Awesome which is great for various icon sizes and in-lined SVG tags to be well customizable. Also good idea to provide SASS definition files as part of the template.
On the other hand the SASSes are a bit less parametrized than one would expect (for better customization) and there could be also a bit less third-party JavaScript libraries used.
Generally very recommended template for buy & use.
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KidKite是 100% 响应式、干净且现代的 HTML Bootstrap 多用途模板,可用于创建电子商务、教育、学校、商店和几乎任何类型的儿童网站。包内有所有页面的 HTML 文件,这些文件经过优化,可以简单快速地执行任何自定义操作。 KidKite 由 Bootstrap 3.3.7 框架提供支持,该框架在几乎所有设备屏幕分辨率上都是一致的。
- 37 个页面模板
- 引导程序3.3.7
- 使用 Sass 创建
- 通过 CSS 或 Sass 进行定制
- 即将倒计时
- 完全响应
- 兼容所有主流浏览器
- 300+ 图标
- 谷歌字体
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