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shoppingBag 减价出售: 50


Created: 2017年4月10日

Updated: 2017年4月10日

ID: 62283

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

480k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 1Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 2Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 3Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 4Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 5Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 6Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 7Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 8Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 9Mobillaso-移动商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 10
正在寻找为您的移动商店网站增添趣味的最佳解决方案?尝试这个完全响应且高度灵活的 Magento 2 主题!时尚且不寻常的设计加上增强的导航将为您的观众带来惊叹的效果。该主题经过精心设计,可帮助您以最佳方式展示您的产品。通过这种方式,多功能产品徽章、倒计时器、交叉定价和星级评定将帮助您吸引访客参观您的手机系列。必备的愿望清单和比较插件将为您的客户提供可爱的购物过程,他们可以轻松比较并放置必要的手机和移动配件,以获得最好的。此外,这个手机商店主题可以让您节省大量资源,模板价格中包含大量预建的 TM 模块。使用这个小工具商店主题作为专业人士销售手机!


TemplateMonster 是一个市场,您作为设计师或开发人员可以在这里出售您的网页设计软件、网站模板、设计元素、插件和扩展。成为数字产品供应商,每笔销售可赚取高达 70% 的佣金。

此批发分销商 Magento 设计模板支持 Retina


Retina Ready 是一种每平方英寸显示更多像素的屏幕。


Retina Ready 布局使所有图形和网站内容显得更清晰、更明亮、色彩更丰富。

在此处查看更多Retina Ready Magento 主题

此手机商店 Magento 模板是响应式的





在此处查看更多响应式 Magento 设计主题

此 Business Bureau Magento 模板适合搜索引擎


搜索引擎友好的数字产品根据当今的 SEO 要求进行了优化。它增加了它们在网络上被注意到的机会,从而提高了您的域在互联网搜索引擎中的搜索引擎排名位置。



最新搜索引擎友好的 Magento 设计主题在这里


Additions- UPDATE: NEW version of Magento engine 2.2.2- update: Ajax Catalog extension- update: Ajax Compare extension- update: Ajax Search extension- update: Ajax Wishlist extension- update: Blog extension- update: Catalog Images Grid extension- update: Countdown Timer extension- update: Featured Products extension- update: Film Slider extension- update: Google Map extension- update: Mega Menu extension- update: Newsletter Popup extension- update: Parallax extension- update: Shop by Brand extension- update: Site Maintenance extension- update: Social Login extension- update: Theme Options extensionMinor bug fixes

5 Reviews for this product

Mobillaso comes with installation manual what is written very well. It covers all - installing theme with Magento 2 from scratch or adding it to your existing installation as additional theme. It also guides you how to add your logo, slogan into your shop, how to change frontend landing page, how to get additional extensions work what are included with theme and what different settings in these do or affect your store. I also like that this theme is responsive so I don't have to worry about that anymore.
Up to date, good looking. Up to date, good looking. Up to date, good looking.
I choose Your templates, as they fully meet my criteria: visually beautiful, there is no problem with the update and well optimized.
Looks nice buy have had quite a few issues with this theme hopefully the 2.2.2 update will improve this. Support is ok but sometimes it takes a while to get what you want.
Menu does not look clear, others are all good. magento2.0 have no many plugin, need to wait for other features.

0 Comments for this product


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Customer Support

4.1 /5
Support rating (270 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 197 4 12 3 6 2 5 1 50
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Categories View:


Gallery Script:

Language support:

Magento Compatibility:

Magento Engine:


PHP extensions: bc-math, curl, gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both, intl, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, openssl, PDO/MySQL, SimpleXML, soap, xml, xsl, zip
PHP OPcache
Adobe Photoshop CC+ Adobe Photoshop CC+
Sublime Text2或其他版本, Notepad++或任何PHP编辑器
为了解压缩模板的ZIP压缩包: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
Apache 2.2 or 2.4 Apache 2.2 or 2.4
MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.6
PHP 7.0.2 PHP 7.0.2
PHP 7.0.6.-7.0.x PHP 7.0.6.-7.0.x
PHP 7.0.4 PHP 7.0.4
MySQL 5.7 MySQL 5.7
nginx 1.x nginx 1.x
PHP 7.1.x PHP 7.1.x