Grovegily - 有机食品和杂货店 Prestashop 响应式主题

Grovegibly - 杂货店超市 Prestashop 响应式主题是一款灵活且功能丰富的电子商务模板,专为在线杂货店、超市以及蔬菜、水果、干果和有机食品商店的平台而设计。该主题专为 Prestashop 8 而设计,并且与 Prestashop 1.7 100% 兼容。该主题带有引人注目的横幅设计,可让您突出展示您的最佳优惠、促销和特色产品。该主题提供强大的多商店支持,可使用一个管理面板创建不同的商店分支机构或国际网站。
- Prestashop 版本:v1.7.8.x、v8.0.x、v8.1.x、v8.2.x
- 包含一键安装文件
- Bootstrap HTML5 和 CSS3
- 完全响应主题
- 移动优先布局
- 包含Google 字体
- 支持多种货币
- 支持多种语言
- RTL 语言支持
- 无核心文件修改
- SEO (搜索引擎优化)友好
- 针对快速加载 + CSS Sprite + SVG 图标进行了优化
- 类别页面上的产品网格和列表视图
- 无限横幅
- 多店就绪
- 主题图片模块用于上传背景图片
- 主题选项模块用于更改颜色、字体和其他主题相关设置
- 具有可编辑文本选项的响应式横幅滑块
- 首页上带有图片的按类别购物滑块
- 带有滑块/网格选项的类别明智的产品选项卡模块
- 带有滑块/网格选项的最新产品模块
- 带有滑块/网格选项的特色产品模块
- 每日特价产品,带倒计时功能
- 主页上的品牌/制造商徽标滑块/网格
- 标题栏中的购物车下拉菜单
- 水平超级菜单
- 垂直菜单
- 粘性菜单
- Ajax 产品评论
- Ajax 产品愿望清单
- Ajax 产品比较
- Ajax 产品快速查看
- Ajax 产品过滤器
- 带有搜索结果图像的Ajax 自动完成产品搜索模块
- 博客模块
- 时事通讯订阅
- 产品图片翻转效果
- 主页上的视差滚动部分
- 用于性能优化的延迟加载功能
- 产品页面上的产品变体样本
- 产品详情页上的产品缩放
- 产品详细信息页面上的相关产品滑块
- 产品详情页上的同类别产品滑块
- 产品详情页面上的交叉销售产品滑块
- 产品详情页上的“最近查看的产品”滑块
- 滚动至顶部按钮
- 新闻通讯弹出模块
- Cookie 法律模块
- 销售通知弹出模块
- 有效的 XHTML 和 CSS 标记
- 易于使用和定制
- 避免 JavaScript 冲突
- 兼容所有主流浏览器
- 包含PSD 文件
- 结构良好且注释良好的代码,易于定制
- 完整的用户指南文档可帮助您安装和使用主题
- 还有很多……
##Update History
- Updated theme with totally new file structure
- Added theme files with prestashop version 1.7.8.x and 8.x.x compatible
- Added quickstart package with prestashop version 8.2 compatibility
- Added theme compatibility with prestashop version 8.1.x.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed some hook related problem with modules
- Added new twitter icon
- Added theme compatibility with prestashop version 8.0.x.
1 Reviews for this product
We bought this template on 03. Jan. 2025 and have made a very good choice with both: the product and the author. Here is my grade:
The template is also offered as a archive for installation via FTP. You can save a lot of time and nerves, because both Prestashop and Template are integrated in the Quickstart at the same Time. The Installation ran smoothly without any Errors, all Elements were positioned correctly and the Hooks were set correctly. The Template is very clearly designed, it has a nice graphical Interface. It contains many useful Banners and other graphic Elements to promote Sales. The Mega-Menu offers many design options. Banners can be switched on and off as required. I also really like the Counter. I could write a lot more, but I'll just say that the Template is simply superb.
Every Author at Templatemonster promises Support. But the Codezeel team are real professionals, simply unbeatable. Codezeel never leaves you alone. His response time is less than 6 hours, taking into account the world time zone difference. There is no perfect template that immediately fits your industry. I also had requests for changes. The Team solved all Customisations super quickly and professionally.
I will be buying more things from Codezeel soon. The next project is a WP template for our website.
Thomas from Germany
Thank You so much for your positive feedback. We really appreciate your honest review for our theme and support.
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