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shoppingBag 减价出售: 19


Created: 2015年5月12日

Updated: 2015年5月12日

ID: 53905

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $14.10/月

410k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
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1 Reviews for this product

This review is for the Prestashop Template I purchased. I had been in the market for a long time for a prestishop template that would match my needs and desires as far as look, feel, features, usability, and mechanics are concerned. The requirements were plenty and the quality options on Templatemonster.com are even more plentiful. It is very difficult to choose a template when you have so many viable options. I chose motorcycle template 53905 given that it check most of the requirements and would fulfill the needs of the project. Given that this is a personal project, I wanted to work with a template that I could mold to represent me as a business owner. I just wanted a template that would allow me to display my interest/hobbies while trying to earn an income from them as well. The templates looks professional, visually appealing, and are easy to work with not to mention that the templates saves me so much time and money. I have been in the IT/MIS industry for more than thirteen years and have worked on many website projects since. I have purchased many templates from Template Monster and have never been disappointed. The templates are always improving and the company (Templatemonster.com) offers other products and services that coincide with their templates. Customer support is great which seals the deal for me. I am completely satisfied with Templatemonster.com and have not found another company that offer nearly as much as Templatemonster.com as far as products, services, and customer support. In addition to that, Templatemonster.com is constantly and consistently innovating and creating very useful and unique products and services.
Thank you very much for your feedback! We're glad you're satisfied with the purchased template and our customer service.

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3.0 /5
Support rating (46 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 21 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 21
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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