Eveprest - 多用途电子商务模板 PrestaShop 主题
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Everprest - 多用途电子商务模板
Eveprest 电子商务 PrestaShop 主题是无与伦比的多用途模板,可以成为适合任何商业目的的出色网站解决方案。这个多用途模板是响应式的,我们收集了所有主要功能和开发。
Eveprest 电子商务 PrestaShop 主题旨在认识到展示主题的所有优点的必要性以及每个客户找到特殊且适合他的东西的能力,从而可以创建一个独一无二的网络商店。这就是为什么我们将简约但同时时尚的设计与创新和高效的功能相结合。
Everprest 1.7 多用途模板包括三个子主题和 10 多个附加主题,适用于备受追捧的商店类型:
- 时尚;
- 家具;
- 备件;
- 电子产品;
- 超级市场;
- 工具;
- 内衣;
- 珠宝;
- 自行车;
- 孩子们;
- 美丽;
- 宠物;
- 韩国化妆品;
- 酒类商店;
- 素食商店;
- 香料店;
- 香水店;
- Everprest 音像商店;
- 珠峰旅游服务;
- 伊芙普雷斯特咖啡厅;
- 伊芙普雷斯特书店;
- 珠峰茶店;
- Everprest 旅行袋;
- Everprest 冬季时装;
- Everprest 圣诞礼物;
- Everprest 假日商店;
- Everprest生鲜食品店。
电子商务 PrestaShop 主题的主要优点
PrestaShop 模块可以极大地扩展您的商店潜力。下面,我们将仔细研究此电子商务 PrestaShop 主题中使用的高级模块。
JX 博客- 整合创意和有用的帖子,向您的客户通报您的相关、最新或流行产品。增加商店的访客数量并与他们保持联系。
JX Mega 布局- 根据您的需要组织您的内容,在任何位置和任何布局中创建和放置额外的内容。您只需几秒钟即可完全重新设计模板的外观。
JX Product Zoomer - 只需将鼠标悬停在图像上即可放大图像。放大功能可让您的客户仔细查看您推荐的产品。它具有三种变焦类型:内变焦、镜头变焦和窗口变焦。
JX Lookbook - 以创意方式展示您的产品系列,让您的客户在真实环境中直观地看到产品。
JX 制造商区块- 指出有关您产品的制造商的信息。可以显示制造商的名称和徽标,以便更好地识别。
JX Mega 菜单- 创建复杂的菜单并允许您的访问者立即访问不同的类别。使用自定义块、横幅、链接、图标和按钮构建复合菜单。
JX 每日优惠- 为任何产品创建每日优惠,并通过倒计时器将其显示在您的网站上。告知您的客户距离您的产品发布还剩多少时间。
我们只描述了 Everprest 中使用的一半扩展。您可以在文档中了解有关所有这些功能插件的更多信息。
包括上面提到的一切,有必要说Eveprest 1.7主题会不断更新。作为旗舰 PrestaShop 主题,您将获得所有可能的更新、创新的所有特权,例如安全包模块、放大器模块更新等。
Eveprest Tools skin (02 February, 2023):
- theme version changed to 1.0.1;
- old prestashop modules removed;
- updates for JX Advanced Filter, JX Deal of the Day, JX Homepage Category Gallery, JX Manufacturer block, JX Mega Menu, JX Product Zoomer modules.
Eveprest (24 October, 2022):
- cart update for PrestaShop 1.7.8;
- minor bug fixes.
Eveprest (23 June, 2022):
- Eveprest Perfume theme version changed to 1.0.1;
- old PrestaShop modules removed;
- update of JX Wishlist module, minor fixes of Sample Data Install, JX Search and JX Product Zoomer modules;
- cart update for PrestaShop 1.7.8.
Eveprest (03 June, 2022):
- Eveprest Spare Parts theme version changed to 1.0.1;
- added update after sample data install is completed folder.
Eveprest (27 April, 2022):
- Electronics store skin theme version changed to 1.0.1;
- old PrestaShop modules removed;
- theme modules updates ( JXCategoryProducts and JXProductZoomer);
- cart update for PrestaShop 1.7.8.
Eveprest (17 February, 2022):
- Eveprest Furniture theme version changed to 1.0.1;
- old PrestaShop modules removed;
- cart update for PrestaShop 1.7.8.
Eveprest (14 February, 2022): Updated Cosmetics Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version:
- jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall module update in dependencies/modules;
- config/theme.yml - removed old prestashop modules, added sampledatainstall position, changed theme version to 1.0.1;
- cart update fix in 3 files.
Eveprest (11 February, 2022): Updated Books Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version:
- jxproductzoomer, jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall module update in dependencies/modules;
- config/theme.yml - removed old prestashop modules, added sampledatainstall position, changed theme version to 1.0.1;
- cart update fix in 3 files.
Eveprest (21 January, 2022):
- Updated Vegan Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.
Eveprest (18 January, 2022):
- Updated Coffee Store and Tea Shop skins with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.
Eveprest (05 January, 2022):
- Updated Beauty Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.
Eveprest (30 November, 2021):
- Updated Spare Parts Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.
Eveprest (25 October, 2021):
- Update list of modules in config\theme.yml file in default Eveprest skins;
- Minor bug fixes.
Eveprest (08 October, 2021):
- Update JX Mega Layout module in Furniture Store skin.
Eveprest (18 August, 2021):
- Update jxamp, jxblog, jxheaderaccount, jxmanufacturerblock, jxproductcustomtab, jxproductzoomer, jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall modules in Eveprest Sports Apparel skin.
Eveprest (29 July, 2021):
- Add new Eveprest Fresh Food Store skin.
Eveprest (14 June, 2021):
- Minor bug fixes.
- Update Wristwatch skin.
Eveprest (12 May, 2021):
- New Sports Apparel Store skin.
Eveprest (06 May, 2021):
- Updated Furniture and Kids Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
Eveprest (03 May, 2021):
- Updated Lingerie and Tools Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
Eveprest (05 April, 2021):
- Updated Electronics Store skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
Eveprest (29 March, 2021):
- Eveprest Fashion skin JX Product List Gallery module fix, default PrestaShop modules fixes; _ Update Eveprest Winter Fashion Store skin theme.
Eveprest (23 March, 2021):
- Updated Bikes Store, Coffee Store skins with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
Eveprest (18 March, 2021):
- Added Organic Food, Supermarket skin.
Eveprest (15 February, 2021):
- Updated Spare Parts skin with JX modules up to PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
Eveprest (09 February, 2021):
- Updated Fashion skin up to 1.7.7.x PrestaShop version.
Eveprest (05 February, 2021):
- Updated Supermarket and Beauty skins up to 1.7.7.x PrestaShop version.
Eveprest (20 January, 2021):
- Added Holidays skin;
- Minor functional fixes.
Eveprest (23 November, 2020):
- Added Christmas Gifts skin.
Eveprest (21 October, 2020):
- Added Winter Fashion skin.
Eveprest (14 August, 2020):
- Added Travel Bags skin.
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