Školní školka pro děti a děti Šablona webových stránek elektronického obchodu

Školní školka pro děti a děti Šablona webových stránek elektronického obchodu

Created: 30. 8. 2017

Updated: 30. 8. 2017

ID: 64993

This product is temporary unavailable

1 Reviews for this product

Nice, clean, fresh looking template. It was pleasure to use, adapt for my usage. It leverages font Awesome which is great for various icon sizes and in-lined SVG tags to be well customizable. Also good idea to provide SASS definition files as part of the template. On the other hand the SASSes are a bit less parametrized than one would expect (for better customization) and there could be also a bit less third-party JavaScript libraries used. Generally very recommended template for buy & use.
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