Free VirtueMart 2.0.22 Template VirtueMart Template

Created: Oct 9, 2013

Updated: Oct 9, 2013

ID: 51659

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This free sample uses the latest version of the wonderful VirtueMart. This is an excellent eCommerce solution for websites based on Joomla. Our VirtueMart Templates have been supplied with multiple useful features to suit your business needs. So you will be fully assured in the outstanding functionality of this component by trying out our Free VirtueMart 2.0.22 Template. As VirtueMart was developed specifically for eCommerce needs, the design is also created to fulfill the purposes of the buying/selling market. Just surf the pages and learn from the professional front-end of the free template, how to make your website fully functional and appropriate for your customers. In case you are interested in this certain theme, we have an exclusive offer of the template #45690, which is a premium design for the presented free sample. Please note, that the template is aimed just for educational purposes. No commercial or personal use is available.

1 Reviews for this product

A great training template that you can play around with and test before purchase. Such a great service really appreciated. It ended up with that I bought the Diving Accessories VirtueMart Template Item number: 52301 thanks! And the pre-sale support was a great help to answer some questions.

2 Comments for this product

Hi. Happy New Year everybody. This template is compatible for mobiles or tampletes?
Hello. Thank you for question, Ananias. This template is not responsive and does not adjust correctly to any type of devices unfortunately. Please note, that the template is aimed just for educational purposes. No commercial or personal use is available. You can also join our live chat at to get immediate assistance. Regards, JJ Blackstone
Hello i am looking to start my own online shop fro tire distribution company and your template design has captured my attention..but ive read that i cant use it for commercial purposes or any of that sort....any advise ?
Thank you for your comment. Yes, you can cannot use it for commercial purposes because it is Free Template.

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2.9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



Joomla! Compatibility:


VirtueMart Compatibility:


VirtueMart Engine:

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