Free Travel Store PrestaShop Template PrestaShop Theme
MonsterONE - Unlimited Downloads
Even the most inveterate stayathomes are compelled to travel from time to time. That's why all people have bags, back packs, trunks and other travel stuff waiting in the wings somewhere in the dusty corner of the closet. Traveling is always a kind of stress. It may be either positive or negative. Everything depends on how easygoing and well equipped you are. Our template with unusual sandyyellow elements will help your customers get maximum pleasure from the trip as well as earn an extra dollar to you. Don't hesitate, the theme will be repaid with a high interest.
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2 Reviews for this product
Awesome product. I´m impressed how a free theme could be so well done! Thank you!
Looks very nice this theme for my blog, i really want, surely will increase my sales in website, i'm freelancer, this is template for my blog,
1 Comments for this product
compatible 1.7.2 ?
Hello Nic. Thank you for question. This template is based on prestashop, it wont' be compatible with prestashop 1.7.2. Please note that TemplateMonster does not provide support services on free templates. We only provide support for the products that are being purchased from TemplateMonster. Regards, JJ Blackstone