Magento documentation v2-0

TM Extensions Settings

Attention! Some of the modules may not be included into your template package. This section describes configuration of all modules that are used in our templates. Each template pack is provided with a set of modules which is included into the design of this specific template.

Google Map

The given module allows you to embed the Google map to your Magento website. By default, module provides you with two maps: the map on the contact page and the map in the footer of other pages.
Both maps can be configured via Magento Admin Panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Google Map section.

  1. Embed Map Settings block stands for the display of the map in the footer of all pages except the contact page.
  2. Contacts Map Settings block stands for the display of the map directly on the contact page.
  3. Both sections have the same options for configuring the appearance of the map.

The module has the following options:

API key - Google Api Key is necessary for the correct work of the map. You can receive and activate it by following the link.
Coordinates - location data which will be shown in the centre of the displayed map. You can get this location data using Google Maps website or using this one.
Sensor - switching geolocation on and off.
Zoom - enlargement value (should not exceed 8).
Map Type - type of the displayed map (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, etc.).
Map width - width of the map.
Map height - height of the map.
Styles - display style of the map. In order to change the appearance of the map, use the styles provided on the website snazzymaps.
Disable UI - hides the elements which control the map.
Scrollwheel - disables the mouse scroll option.
Draggable - enables you to move the map using the left button of the mouse or your fingers for touch (sensor) devices.
Add marker - allows you to add the marker to the map.
Marker coordinates - sets the marker coordinates.
Marker title - text which will be displayed in the tool-tip while hovering over it.
Marker image - path to the marker image, if you want to replace the default one. The image is saved in the folder skin/frontend/default/themeXXX/images/ of your Magento installation.
Infowindow - additional information which will be displayed if you click the marker.

Facebook like box

The given module allows to display Facebook like box on your Magento store.
You can configure it via Magento Admin Panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Facebook section.

The module has the following options:

App ID - the identifier of your Facebook account. In order to use Facebook Like box, you need to register your account. You can follow the link for further instructions.
Page URL - the URL of the Facebook account page.
Show Faces - allows you to hide or display the photo of the user who liked the page.
Hide cover - allows to remove the background image in header.
Show Posts - allows you to enable/disable the recent posts on the page.
Height - the height of the module area.
Width - the width of the module area.

By default, the module is displayed in the left column. But there are three display options: left, right and footer. In order to change the position of the block, you need to open the tm_facebook.xml file located in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout folder of your installation.

This file includes three reference blocks with name="left" (name="right", name="footer") parameters.
<reference name="left">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_facebook_like_left" as="tm_facebook_like_left" template="tm/facebook/facebook_like.phtml"/>
<!-- <reference name="right">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_facebook_like_right" as="tm_facebook_like_right" template="tm/facebook/facebook_like.phtml"/>
</reference> -->
<!-- <reference name="footer">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_facebook_like_footer" as="tm_facebook_like_footer" template="tm/facebook/facebook_like.phtml"/>
</reference> -->

Two blocks are commented out in this file. And only one block with name="left" is not commented out. It displays the module in the left column.
If you need to display the module in the footer, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Uncomment lines of code for name="footer" block (the last one in the example of the code above) and comment out the block name="left" (the first one in the example of the code above).
  2. Open the file footer.phtmllocated in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/template/page/html folder.
  3. Paste the following code to the needed place:
    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('tm_facebook_like_footer') ?>

Now the Facebook block will be displayed in the footer.

Instagram module

Instagram module allows you to display Instagram gallery on your store.
The given module allows to display two types of galleries: user gallery and tag gallery.

All configuration options are available in the admin panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Instagram section.

The module has the following options:

Client ID - Instagram app identifier. In order to receive the identifier, you need to register your app using the following link.
Username - Instagram username which gallery you want to display.
Sample tag - tags used to display the images.
Product tag - is used to find the similar images, where the beginning of the tag consists of the chosen parameters set. E. g.: #storetitleproductname, #productsku, #storetitleproductsku, etc.

Twitter module

Twitter module allows to display the tweets feed on your store.
All configuration options are available in the admin panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Twitter section.

The module has the following options:

Widget ID - Twitter widget identifier. The identifier can be received after the registration of your widget account in settings.
Account name - Twitter account username whose feed you want to display.
Color Scheme - widget skin color. It can be light or dark.
Layout enhancements - allows to partially hide the elements of widget formatting.
Tweet limit - amount of tweets displayed in the feed.
Link color - allows to change the links color in the feed.
Border color - allows to change the border color in feed.
Height - height of the widget window.
Width - the width of the widget window.

By default, the block is displayed in the left column. But there are three display options: left, right and footer.
In order to change the position of the block, you need to open the tm_twitter.xml file located in the /app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout folder of your installation.

This file includes three reference blocks with name="left" (name="right", name="footer") parameters.
<reference name="left">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_twitter_timeline" as="tm_twitter_timeline" template="tm/twitter/twitter_timeline.phtml"/>
<!-- <reference name="footer">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_twitter_timeline" as="tm_twitter_timeline" template="tm/twitter/twitter_timeline.phtml"/>
<reference name="right">
	<block type="core/template" name="tm_twitter_timeline" as="tm_twitter_timeline" template="tm/twitter/twitter_timeline.phtml"/>
</reference> -->

Two blocks are commented out in this file. And only one block with name="left" is not commented out. It displays the block in the left column.
If you need to display the module in the footer, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Uncomment the lines of code for name="footer" block (the last one in the example of the code above) and comment out the name="left" block (the first one in the example of code above).
  2. Open the footer.phtml file located in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/template/page/html folder.
  3. Paste the following code to the needed place:
    <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('tm_twitter_timeline') ?>

Now the Twitter block will be displayed in the footer.

Newsletter popup

The given module allows to display a pop-up block with the newsletter subscription form.
You can enable/disable the module via Magento Admin Panel in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > NewsletterPopup section.

In order to edit the appearance of the window, you need to edit the style.css file of the theme. If you need to add several user elements to the pop-up block, you need to edit the newsletterpopup.phtml file located in the app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/template/tm/newsletterpopup folder.

Special price countdown

The given module allows to display the timer of discount expiration for the special products.
You can enable/disable the module via Magento Admin Panel, in System > Configuration > Templatemonster > Special Price Countdown section.

In order to edit the appearance of the timer, you need to edit the flipclock.css (flipclock.less) file located in the skin/frontend/default/themeXXX/css/tm/specialpricecountdown folder.