Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 31

Created: Jun 16, 2022

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

ID: 252611

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Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Art Design - Creative Web Design Agency WordPress Theme - Features Image 6

ArtDesign WordPress Theme is a custom creative wordpress theme created for Web Design Agency, Software Agency, Graphic Designers, Freelancers, Designers, Web Agencies and the Whole Web Industry.

You will get full marks from your customers in this special template that I developed in noble tones of White and Black.

Based on my many years of experience, the most important effect in a web design is creativity and clarity. In this scenario, we have created a WordPress theme that will not be forgotten in the web world.

I have prepared a special particle effect slider area for visitors to your website. Your visitors will fall in love with it.

And you will have a fully compatible website with 3D custom service areas and Custom icon sets.

With the special projects area, you will be able to show all your work in a striking way. Especially with our projects tab system, you will be able to create fast projects area.

You will be able to change all your content quickly and very easily with this art designed WordPress theme that I have developed with the latest technologies.

The administration panel is written in ACF in a very easy and understandable way to use.

ArtDesign WordPress Theme Features:

  • Easy customization (Custom theme settings area)
  • One click ımport data (You can ımport all data with one click.)
  • Fully responsive design (Special design shaped by all devices)
  • 230 special ıcon set (Professional ıcons)
  • One click customize all colors (Change all colors with one click)
  • Customize all fonts with one click (Change all fonts with one click)
  • 80 special effects animations (Animated animations area)
  • Particle effect slider (Special animated picture effect)
  • Custom page templates (Easy page customization with custom page fields)
  • 60 web fonts (Custom fonts to customize your website)
  • Super lightwight (Lightning-fast ınstallation and operation)
  • Menu with special effects (Fine lines)
  • 3d slider area (Full screen swiper slider)
  • Projects tab area (Special structure where you can filter your projects)
  • Special project detail page (Project detail page with custom icon)
  • Carousel projects (Swiper carousel)
  • Carousel comment (Swiper carousel)
  • Carousel team member (Swiper carousel)
  • Carousel blog (Swiper carousel)
  • Full seo compliance (Yoast seo plugin setting)
  • 3d services custom ıcon set area (Services areas prepared with custom ıcons in box layout)
  • Team area (Special team members area)
  • Countdown area (Special effects coundown area to contribute to your site)
  • 3d pricing area (Special detailed 3d pricing table)
  • Offer forms (Special forms – contact form 7)
  • Contact forms (Special forms – contact form 7)
  • Custom acf system (Professional ınfrastructure)
  • Special blog structure (Accelerated article fields)
  • Dropdown menu (Custom bootstrap dropdown menu)
  • Special sidewidget (Icon set sidewidget)
  • Newsletter area (Footer newsletter field)
  • Social media ıcons (Custom social media ıcons)
  • Special services page (3d effect services page)
  • About us page (3d effect about page)
  • Team members (3d effect team members section)
  • Customers page (Special customers section)
  • Pricing page (3d effect pricing page)
  • Popup forms (Popup form fields from your packages)
  • Special preloader effect (Special effect)
  • Go up button (Fast speed)
  • Background change feature (Background structure for all pages)
  • Page header change feature (Page header structure for all pages)
  • Sticky menu (Fully compatible sticky menu)

If you want to be an unforgettable brand in the digital environment, don't waste your time!


Theme Update Version 1.0.9

We are pleased to announce a critical update to enhance theme stability and security:

• Plugin Updates: All necessary plugins have been updated to their latest versions, including:

-Advanced Custom Fields (now at version 6.3.6) -Classic Editor -Classic Widgets -Contact Form 7 -Duplicate Menu -Duplicate Page -And all other essential plugins for optimal theme functionality

To maintain security, we advise all users to download the updated theme package and manually install the latest plugin versions from the "inc/plugins/" directory. Please ensure your PHP version is 8.0 or above when updating plugins to avoid compatibility issues.

This update strengthens security and ensures optimal performance, keeping your theme up-to-date and fully compatible.


Advanced Custom Field Framework Plugin Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It needs to be reinstalled. When updating plugins, make sure your PHP versions are 8.0 and above.


Acf Advanced Custom Fields 6.2.1 plugin has been updated.


Advanced Custom Field Plugin 6.1.8 Upgraded, updated - Important critical update. It must be reinstalled. Classic Editor Plugin 1.6.3 Upgraded, updated Contact Form Plugin 7 5.8 Upgraded, updated Duplicate Page Plugin 4.5.2 Upgraded, updated One Click Demo Import Plugin 3.1.2 Upgraded, updated WordPress Importer Plugin 0.8.1 Upgraded, updated WP Options Importer Plugin 7.0 Upgraded, updated Duplicate Menu Plugin 0.2.2 Upgraded, updated Make sure your php versions are 8.0 and above when updating plugins.


Added critical update.

Theme settings custom meta fields have been updated. The json file has been updated. Carousels have been updated. All plugins have been updated. Icon codes have been updated. Updated web effects. Acf tabs updated. Updated sass and custom css files.


critical update,

All plugins have been updated. Footer field has been updated. Images have been optimized. Code density has been increased. Special loader areas and button areas have been added to the administration panel. Added custom seo meta fields to theme settings.


Projects were configured in a responsive layout.



Project Carousel Area Added, Project Tabs System Area Attachment, Project Page Added, Project Detail Page Attachment.


The menu area has been updated.

11 Reviews for this product

Tutto è veramente un template fantastico. Lo usero per il mio sito personale di fotografia.
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. We always do our best to provide the best superior service to our customers. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. Thanks again for your nice words. Best regards
The visual appeal of this theme is simply outstanding. The modern and clean design immediately caught my eye, and the attention to detail is commendable. Whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, the responsive design ensures a seamless and visually pleasing experience across all devices.
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. We always do our best to provide the best superior service to our customers. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. Thanks again for your nice words. Best regards
Hello, Thank you for the quick help and great support. This will not be the last theme for me and my customers that I buy from you.
Hello sir, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. We always do our best to provide the best superior service to our customers. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. Thanks again for your nice words. Best regards.
The theme is very useful and easy to install, I highly recommend it,
Merhaba efendim, Güzel sözleriniz için çok teşekkür ederim.
Overall design seems good for me and its suitable for my current business need
Hello sir, Thank you very much for your nice thoughts. Kind regards.

4 Comments for this product Which server is best for PHP? Not long ago, the consensus was that PHP worked best on a so-called LAMP stack, which consisted of the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, a MySQL database, and the PHP scripting language. Recently, however, Apache has fallen behind other, more recently developed web servers, including LiteSpeed and NGINX. The latter two are not only faster than Apache, but they can also handle heavier traffic. This is why many of the best PHP hosting providers have switched to LiteSpeed, NGINX, or a combination of Apache with an NGINX reverse proxy. this is not only frustrating but seems to be rather outdated for the awesome design that is new to the market but no compatible with the latest market developements and trends let me know if it can be fixed in no time? as website is needed in the next 12 hours working . given spen total X hours on such a simple task.
Hello Lady, We just saw your message. The installation step is very simple. We also work with Hostinger :) So it is impossible to install, now leave your information in the support request and we will install it in 2 minutes. Kind regards.
Got the theme. Tried to upload unsuccessfully it on Hostinger (one of the best hostings now) - spent 5(!!!) hours including with customer support - just to receive the following from customer service: "The issue most likely occurs in the Web Server Compatibility. Your theme requires an Apache Server. Hostinger does not use Apache Server, instead we are using LiteSpeed. So most likely, this is the reason why the theme is not uploading." is it fixable? what are the alternatives as otherwise I just wasted 70+$? sent also ticket query
Hello Lady, We just saw your message. The installation step is very simple. We also work with Hostinger :) So it is impossible to install, now leave your information in the support request and we will install it in 2 minutes. Kind regards.
Greetings, I was curious if I can modify the Lion graphic by changing the image through Elementor alone? I like the layout but I was interested in changing the graphic to my own image, as well as keeping the cursor interactive feature. Is this possible, or would it require the knowledge of scripting or perhaps even another app to modify outside of Elementor? Kind regards.
Hello sir, you can add any picture graphic to the picture in Slider. Doing this is even simpler than elementor. Because the page structure was created from theme pages and ACF was used. It is very simple to customize this slider area, just as you would add content from a simple editor. In addition, you can use elementor on your new pages. If you write such requests from the support request, you will receive very fast support. Regards from us, sir.
Hi admin, Presale questions 1. I can't see projects tab and project detail pages. Please let me know if is not in this templates 2. Is the theme compatible with woocommerce? 3. Which builder are you using? 4. Can I access theme documentation? Thank you
Hello sir, The infrastructure is coded with ACF. There is no projects page, but you can open and create pages such as the services area. It is not compatible with Woocommerce. You can access the documentation only.. when you purchase the theme. Best regards.
Hello again sir, actually the projects field and the project detail field were missing. We've customized it now. And we added project carousel area, project tab area, project page and project detail pages. You can check it from the live demo. Write to us from support request after purchasing the theme. We will send you the updated file. Kind regards.

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