Confucius - Chinese Restaurant Responsive WordPress Theme

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Created: Jul 11, 2016

Updated: Jul 11, 2016

ID: 58926

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480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
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The theme will perfectly fit a number of food related web projects. It is fully responsive, making all the design elements scale up or down to a number of screen sizes. A large hero area in the theme's header welcomes every visitor in. An integrated booking form lets the users reserve the desired table right on the site. Contact details are placed at the very top of the page, above a functional drop-down menu. This is a GPL template, which means that you can install it on more than one web resource. It is built with TemplateMonster's custom drag-and-drop page builder called Power. With its help you can build versatile layouts without any coding routine involved. This template is listed in The Best WordPress Themes 2016 chart.

This Food & Restaurant Rewies WordPress design is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search engine friendly digital products are optimized as per the modern-day SEO specifications. It expands the possibilities they will be acknowledged online, hence growing your web site's rank positions in internet search engine.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly theme is actually a great basic platform to get started on selling and boosting search rankings of the internet page. It's actually less complicated to deal with this sort of internet page for Search engine optimisation specialist as half of the work is previously completed.

Latest Search Engine Friendly WordPress designs here

This is a Parallax Design Store WordPress design theme

What is it?

Parallax scrolling is a front-end visual approach associated with pictures moving more slowly compared to the background to make a "2D" impression.

Why is it Good?

Parallax enable your guests correspond with your site and have a better visitor experience. It will help you to be noticeable among your opponents.

Browse for more Parallax WP templates here

This is Home & Family Magazine WordPress design theme with Background video

What is it?

This is the 20-30 seconds video with an limitless replication integrated into the web page background.

Why is it Good?

Background video will assist you to make the site that successfully stands out from the competition. You can manage and control it like any other page element. Additionally, the procedure of making a background video is completely simple.

Latest Background video Wordpress design templates here

This Photography WordPress design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready WordPress themes are templates that can adjust to Retina displays and always appear sharp and vivid.

Why is it Good?

Retina screens are used on Apple devices. So in case a significant amount of your website's traffic comes from MacBook and iPhone users (which is quite probable) it's better for you to choose a retina-ready template and provide your website visitors with the very best UX.

View more Retina Ready WordPress themes here

This is a Bootstrap 4 Food Wordpress design template

What is it?

Bootstrap 4 is one of the current versions of the framework for creating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sites.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is known as a responsive, mobile-oriented framework. It is easy to work with and has lots of available assets.

Find more Bootstrap 4 WordPress themes here

This Home & Family Magazine WordPress template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the ability of the page layout to change depending on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design delivers an improved UX for people who check out a website page on a phone or a tablet, and even can help to raise rankings of a website in search engine results pages.

Fresh Responsive WP templates here

This Cafe and Restaurant Supplies WordPress theme is WPML ready

What is it?

WPML is a function that allows to make your site multilingual.

Why is it Good?

Making it possible to translate the site into different languages WPML plugin enables you to broaden the client database with foreign customers.

Fresh WPML ready WordPress templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

11 Parallax WordPress Themes To Retain Your Website Visitors for Longer

Best Restaurant WordPress Themes

The Best WordPress Themes

Top 100 Food and Restaurant WordPress Templates

Top Mouthwatering Food & Drink WordPress Themes to Choose

7 Reviews for this product

Confucius is good wordpress template to use. My client really love the finish product. The power build plugin is so cool & easy to use. Please contact templatemonster to get the latest 1.3 version. One important note: this template can be use in multiple projects, therefore no images included in this template. You can find lots of free images in The customer online support system is so important to help us fix all issues related to the template. Really good jobs, cheers team.
El diseño es muy bueno pero no excelente no es muy dinámico, la funcionalidad es perfecta por la opción de reservas
Шаблон покупался для создания сайта кафе. То есть, изначальный функционал шаблона - с большим запасом. Вроде, внимательно все просмотрел, обсудил с клиентом. Купили. И на тебе - не могу найти sample data. C настройкой возиться пришлось и придется значительно дольше, чем планировал. Ну залили бы изображения с водяными знаками, раз опасаются использования демоконтента. Сам, конечно, виноват. Просмотрел последнюю строку в описании и не прочитал вовремя комментарий на английском, где коллега предупреждает об этой проблеме. Но я первый раз с таким столкнулся, хотя это не первая моя покупка. В общем, если не хотите возиться с настройкой, то поищите другой шаблон, который сразу разворачивается в том виде, в котором представлен на templatemonster
Благодарим за Ваш отзыв. Хотим отметить, что мы информируем клиентов о том, что шаблон продается с GPL лицензией. В первую очередь, в строке с ценой самого шаблона указано 100% GPL License ( Подробнее о данном виде лицензии можно прочитать здесь - Также в описании шаблона указывается, что картинки не поставляются в комплекте с шаблоном. Спасибо за понимание.
Хороший шаблон. есть всё что надо и не надо. Но пришлось помучится с установкой. да и сейчас не всё работает как на образце. надо профи для установки.
Не забывайте, что наша техподдержка всегда готова помочь.
La plantilla está muy bien diseñada, lástima que las fotos no están incluidas. Pero por suerte, se adjuntan unas imágenes neutras del mismo tamaño que sirven de referencia. Como se puede observar, la estructura de la web está muy distribuida. Es limpia y usable. Para la instalación tuve algún problema, pero el servicio técnico me lo resolvió rápido y eficazmente. Muy recomendable para este tipo de restaurantes.

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