Edura - LearnPress Education WordPress Theme

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Created: Jul 11, 2018

Updated: Aug 1, 2024

ID: 70628

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Edura - LearnPress Education WordPress Theme - Features Image 1

Edura Multi-concept Education & Courses WordPress Theme will be your best solution for your Online Learning, Courses, School, or University website. Powerful Theme Options Panel with Drag & Drop Elementor Page Builder will make you feel very simple to control your site. Over 100 package widget elements included allow you to maximize your creative brain with unlimited possibilities.

Edura also provides you with Sample Content that may help you to have a website ready in a few minutes. The theme also includes LearnPress Plugin functionality with Powerful Online Courses Management Administration. You can also find different layouts for blogs, portfolios, galleries, shops, courses, and events. Start building websites now with Edura and you will never regret it.


v1.1.4 + Auto-selected Courses page after importing sample content + Fixed gapped title bar issue + Translation strings hidden issue fixed + Fixed stored Cross-Site Scripting via the RevSlider's Add Layer widget vulnerability + Fixed mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases + Fixed image missing in media library issue v1.1.3 + Gradient Backgrounds on SVG's drawn Transparent since the latest updates + Disabling the Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect + Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance + Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched + Updated WooCommerce template files v1.1.2 + Added Overlay animation for Header & Footer builder + Undefined issue fixed in Custom Carousel widget + Cache issue fixed in Instagram widget + Badge color issue fixed in WC product widget + Backdrop filter extension improved + Sample content updated + Woocommerce template files updated + Dual button alignment improved v1.1.1 + Element now will not load JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets while Slider does not include + Fixed keyframe does not work if it is placed near the animation + Fixed Ajax error due to downloading template fails + Fixed Mega Menu auto expand in mobile devices issue + Fixed keyboard navigation in the Navbar component + Fixed parallax component responsiveness on resizing the scroll container v1.1.0 + LearnPress template files updated + Overall styling updated + Minor CSS issues fixed + Added 2 LearnPress Elementor Widgets + Sample content updated + Post slider skin vast navigation arrows style option added + Fixed the dropdown style not working issue + Fixed Manual Selection issue fixed in all Events Calendar + Added Tab wrapper style option in the tabs widget + Fixed RTL issue in the Iconnav widget + Fixed Tile Scroll options disappeared problem + WooCommerce template files updated + Fixed Advanced Transition fails if the HTML5 video is from a third-party domain + Fixed Carousel scaling is wrong in certain PHP environment settings + Fixed Box shadow does not render full opacity 1.0.6 + Woocommerce template files updated + Removed Twitter widget + Fixed Auto-mapper deprecation notice + Fixed stretched row in WordPress default themes + Fixed Post grid v1.0.5 + Minor styling issues fixed + Sample content updated + Plugin updated + Third-party links removed v1.0.4 + Fixed the page title override issue + Slider plugin updated + Fixed icon loading issue on Elementor + Icon libraries updated + Fixed main stylesheet loading issue + LearnPress template files updated + Responsiveness improved + Sample data updated v1.0.3 + Fixed page is broken layout issue + Added support for WordPress 5.6 blocks rendering + Latest LearnPress version compatible + Plugins updated + Styling changed + Main layout rescaled v1.0.2 + WordPress 5.5+ compatible + Plugin updated + Fix jQuery deprecated functions v1.0.1 + Fixed JS conflict issue + PHP 7.4 compatible v1.0 + Release

2 Reviews for this product

Хороший шаблон для учебных заведений и языковых центров. Есть все необходимое для хорошего взаимодействия сайта и компании. Несколько удобных разделов с каталогами и множеством вкладок внутри. Красивое графическое оформление, не требующее множества фото на начальном этапе создания компании. Если же каталоги с ценами не нужны, то возникают проблемы с их настройкой. Среди множества остальных шаблонов, считаю его одним из лучших для этой задачи, но будьте уверенными в том, что это то, что нужно.
Excellent choice for an educational portal. Very easy to install, configure and use. Totally recommended

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