Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 139

Created: Sep 23, 2016

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

ID: 60113

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Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Tanaka - Japanese Restaurant WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

Do you like Japanese food? Then, welcome to the Japan restaurant. With Japanese Restaurant WordPress Template's beautiful typography, responsive design, and flexible layouts you can easily turn it into a sushi or Asian restaurant. The integrated page builder plugin will allow even a newbie to customize his/her cooking (food, culinary) project into something really outstanding. The theme is equipped with table reservation functionality, so the guests of your eatery will be able to book a table for diner. Appointment manager is also available for the purpose. BTW, restaurant menu items are animated and come with prices, which will boost site conversion by all means.This Japanese Diner Wordpress design template is Responsive

What is it?

It is a capability of the website to instantly adjust to any display size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design ensures that the website will provide an excellent browsing experience to all users across all gadgets.

Find more Responsive WordPress templates here


Tanaka (October 23, 2020)

  • Elementor Page Builder 3.0 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.5 compatible;
  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

8 Reviews for this product

Tanaka is a good and pretty simple template. I used it for several small restaurants.
Szablon wygląda pięknie pod względem graficznym oraz jest w pełni responsywny. Jasna i czytelna struktura sprawia, że przeglądający łatwo odnajdują się na stronie. Bogaty zestaw grafik, które znajdują się w pakiecie z szablonem są odpowiednie dla branży IT. W prosty sposób można zarządzać i konfigurować zastosowane na stronie moduły. Szablon posiada również przejrzyste menu, które pomaga w nawigacji. Polecam szablon wszystkim, którzy chcą zaistnieć w branży IT i zareklamować w Internecie swoją firmę.
Good design, easy to use and set up even for nonprofessionals. Good template for any restaurant business, all categories are necessary and suitable for fast food or caffee. Good option to have a category for a menu and for delivery. My customer can easily manage content by himself + add all the necessary imagies for slider. i love to work with templatemoster, always perfect technical support and new design templates are added every week!
me parece bueno pero es una lastima que es complicado tener soporte en español
Easy to use and customer service is very helpful whenever I have a question.

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