Plesire - Interaktív utazás

Plesire - Interaktív utazás

Created: 2019. jún. 24.

Updated: 2019. szept. 20.

ID: 82552

This product is temporary unavailable

1 Reviews for this product

Plugin Plesire not working for me, I have not been able to use it as I think the code needs an update.
Hi we will fix the file, this week thank you

0 Comments for this product

A Szerzőről

HotShot Author

Customer Support

5,0 /5
Support rating (2 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 2 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0


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A szoftverek és a tárhely követelményei:

mod_rewrite module for apache mod_rewrite module for apache
MySQL 5.5 or higher
50 MB of disk space
Memory limit per process: 64mb (128mb or more recommended)
Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor