MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

Spicefair - 响应式杂货店是食品店和大型杂货店、农产品有机食品市场和食品配送服务。
- Spicefair 主题具有最好的功能,如下拉菜单、超级菜单、多货币支持、时事通讯弹出窗口、产品弹出窗口、带有轮播的产品、特色产品、产品缩放。
WordPress 兼容性: 5.1.x、5.2.x、5.3.x、5.4.x、5.5.x、5.6.x、5.7.x、5.8.x、5.9.x、6.0.x、6.0.1
Woocommerce 兼容性: 5.xx、6.0.x、6.1.x、6.2.x、6.3.x、6.4.x、6.5.x、6.6.x、6.7.x、6.8.x
- 100% 响应式主题
- 经过验证的 HTML5 和 CSS3
- 集成谷歌字体
- 易于使用和轻松定制
- 避免 JavaScript 冲突
- 没有核心文件修改
- 多语言和货币
- 搜索引擎优化
- 无限横幅
- 简单的页面布局设置
- 包含博客模块
- 产品评论模块
- 产品愿望清单模块
- 类别明智产品选项卡滑块
- 悬停时的次要产品图像
- 产品详情页面上的 Cloud Zoom 集成
- 产品页面上的相关产品滑块
- 结帐页面上的交叉销售产品滑块
- 标题处的购物车下拉菜单
- 特色产品模块
- 最新产品模块
- 最畅销产品模块
- 特殊产品模块
- 制造模块
- 灵活的 CMS 块
- 完整的 PSD 文件
- 兼容所有主流浏览器
- 结构良好且带注释的代码,可轻松定制
- 使用主题文档轻松设置
NOTE : Please do not replace the current theme files with the old one otherwise your old changes will be lost.
##Update History
[16/06/2020] Theme version 1.0.0
- Initial Release
[26/08/2022] Theme version 1.1.0
- Fixed some design issue
- Fixed performance
- Fixed some css changes
- Fixed some js changes
- Theme Plugin updates
- Update theme's sample data
- Udpates Premium Plugins Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin
- Fixed outdated file issue with latest version of WooCommerce
- Add new plugin name (classic-widgets)
2 Reviews for this product
Theme is very nice. Documentation is good. not perfect.
there are some things that I am not succeeding to do such as adding a category dropdown nearby the sort. However I didn't try to assist the author - so I can't say...
Most of other functionality is very good and very intuitive to customize.
the theme is very nice (I wouldn't buy if I didn't thought this).
In addition, I tried to add a plugin that replace the dropdown in the orders to buttons. it works fine but alignment in mobile doesn't work correctly.
bottom line - I recommend this theme
Thank you so much for your appreciation :-)
Crappy service, outdated. Crashes if you install all/some of the plug ins. Was promised a license for some of the plug ins, never received one. Tickets where removed. No help from Templatemonster either, stay away from both, save your money. Paid what they asked for got nothing much in return.
Please contact our support team they will help you for sure.
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