ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL

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shoppingBag Verkäufe: 58


Erstellt: 19.11.2021

Aktualisiert: 07.08.2024

ID: 217142

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ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 1ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 2ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 3ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 4ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 5ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 6ANIMACE – Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Theme + RTL - Eigenschaften Bild 7

Die Anime-Sites neu erfinden

Als Teil der natürlichen Weiterentwicklung unserer Themen bieten wir nun eine neue Möglichkeit, in die Welt des Anime einzusteigen, indem wir das Beste aus zwei unserer vorherigen Produkte kombinieren: INGMAR und ANIMAG. Das Ergebnis ist ANIMACE, eine mit Bootstrap und ACF erstellte Vorlage zur Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten, Rezensionen und zum Katalogisieren von Anime-Serien und -Filmen (obwohl dies auch mit Serien und Filmen aus der Kinowelt oder beliebten Streaming-Diensten möglich ist).

Mit ANIMACE (die Endung mit dem Wort „ACE“ bezieht sich auf japanische Manga- und Anime-Magazine) erhalten Sie ein vollständiges und benutzerfreundliches Thema, das benutzerdefinierte Felder zum Ausfüllen der Informationen, Punkte für Benutzer und Redakteure sowie Farben enthält Selektoren, vorgefertigte vorgefertigte Module, AJAX-Live-Suche und ein dunkler Modus, ideal für mobile Geräte. Da es mit Bootstrap erstellt wurde, reagiert es vollständig und behält die „App“-Ästhetik bei. Es ist außerdem mit WPML und RTL kompatibel und enthält ein Child-Theme für fortgeschrittene Benutzer, die ihre Fantasie mit mehr Funktionalitäten beflügeln möchten.


SORGFÄLTIG LESEN: Wie bei allen WP-Projekten wird dringend empfohlen, über eine Staging-Site und eine Produktionssite zu verfügen. Aktualisieren Sie zunächst das Thema auf Ihrer Bühnenseite und prüfen Sie, ob alles in Ordnung ist. Anschließend am Produktionsstandort wiederholen. Wenn Sie zuvor persönliche Änderungen wie neue ACF-Felder oder Anpassungen vorgenommen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns, bevor Sie eine Aktualisierung des Themes vornehmen, da ACF den Kern der Vorlage darstellt. Kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen.


1.2 - AUG 2024

  • Fixed bug when play trailer in modal window, now when it closes, stops playing and reloads when modal is opened again.
  • New appearance on Dashboard side menu and internal linking for theme Options Pages
  • Redesigned and Recoded "Updated" Page Templates for Series, Movies, Manga and Novel
  • Added a function to correct order the CPTs on Dashboard from latest to oldest and not alphabetically
  • Added new modules "People" and "Seasons"
  • Added new fields for Actors Taxonomy that shows in his taxonomy template
  • Added an "Update date" badge
  • Added the "Scale" poster on some Home modules that they didn't have before
  • Added "Time" in miliseconds option for "Auto" toggle on Home Slider
  • Fixed the "animace banner" function
  • Fixed incorrect field data for Media Related on Reviews single post
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to (mandatory) with an important fix for CPT slugs
  • Fixed some CSS issues
  • Demo updated - JUL 2024

  • Added "Staff Search" page template
  • Added "Chapter Numbers Continuity" toggle
  • Added Custom Buttons section to Movies and Series post types
  • Improved the Download Episodes page code
  • Fixed some CSS issues - JUL 2024

  • Fixed issue on css background colors field
  • Added new style to "Editors Choice" scoring on Custom Post Types
  • Added "Auto" toggle on Home Slider
  • Added tab "Popular Reads" on Theme Settings with new toggles
  • Added toggle "Excerpt" and selection of Posts and/or Reviews on Latest Posts module
  • Added "Collections" page template
  • Added "Character Search" page template

1.1.9 - JUN 2024

  • Added Movie parts list to Movies post type
  • Redesigned Main Header Card for Movies, Series, Manga and Novels post type, and Data now appears in two columns
  • Included "if function exists" on some core functions for better reutilization on child theme
  • On Home Movies/Series slider settings added the new "Movies and Series by Taxonomy" module, it allows to display multiple latests post types by Category or Genre
  • Added the "voice actor" on the Character taxonomy page
  • The Flexible field to add manual schemes for Characters and Actors list of different countries now includes the Flag selector
  • Removed the Vimeo icon and field, now is replaced by "Ko-fi" icon and field - MAY 2024

  • Fixed Actors and Characters full list page issue
  • Tested compatibility with latest version of Site Reviews

1.1.8 - MAY 2024

  • Added new Flexible field to add manual schemes for Characters and Actors list of different countries; they are showed as Tabs on frontend
  • Fixed the function to show the dates format when selecting WP different language
  • Demo updated - APR 2024

  • Added "Custom Text" Field to "File Download Buttons" Repeater
  • Added "Movie files page list slug" for the Download Files page of Movies
  • Added "Movie Files List" Repeater to Movies post type
  • Now can add custom buttons to allow downloads and video player on Movies post type
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to (mandatory)

1.1.7 - FEB 2024

  • Added Related Posts to Media relationship field
  • Included the Related Media on the post template
  • Improved the Related Media Box on Editor Reviews post type avoiding confusions on Score Box
  • Remade Actor, Character and Staff taxonomy template
  • Deleted unused additional templates
  • Added Post Views Counter plugin instead obsolete counter plugin
  • Added ACFE Author Box on backend instead default Author Metabox
  • Fixed sub_field compatibility issue with latest version of ACF
  • Demo updated – OCT 2023

  • Added “Related Media by Taxonomy” field. Included a “subpage” that shows all added media, similar to the “If you like this, you might like…”
  • Added “Reader” for Chapters on frontend, builded with HTML, CSS and JS
  • Remade the Selection of Chapters on Manga/Novels. Now its entirely based on the Add Chapters Field. The Dropdown for select chapters and the “Next and Previous” buttons on frontend obeys to the order of child posts on the Relationship field
  • Characters and Actors imported table are now editable after the first save (can reorder rows or add/delete/change Characters and Actors from selector)
  • Added “Alternative Name” field on Series/Movies CPT
  • Added “Fluid Container” option
  • Added Checkboxes to “Collections” taxonomy, to add specifications about the Collection meaning (like Canonical, Spinoff, etc)
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to (mandatory)
  • Demo updated – OCT 2023

  • Fixed small bug on AniList Core files - SEPT 2023

  • Added simplified Chapter Builder based on new Relationship Field. Now "Add New" and "Edit" child posts shows inside the parent Manga or Novel post as small buttons. No need to have a longer list on Manga/Novel Post type list when edit on Dashboard
  • Customized the "Page Attributes" metabox with Select2 and only showing parent posts and made by current WP author. If is AUTHOR role on Backend, shows only the post of that and not all. ALL only can be viewed by ADMIN
  • Added ACF Extended as extra mandatory plugin. This enables lot of new features with ACF
  • Added button "See More" on "Related posts" on custom post types, based on "most used tag" found on custom post types and posts
  • Fixed sidenav menu dropdown bug
  • Fixed CSS issues on navbar responsive view
  • Fixed Recent Posts Widget customization
  • Fixed AniList integration issues. Characters and Actors imported table now shows empty if the Toggles are set in "No". Also the imported info now saves one time, after that the fields can be edited. Useful for those who translate text fields.
  • Fixed "Download URL" field issue for the volumes on manga/novel frontend
  • Changed tag cloud button class to xs size
  • Added "Full Story" button to manga/novel
  • Added "Custom Buttons" repeater to manga/novel. Useful to place buttons with links where the mangas/novel can be bought
  • Moved Author Metabox to Publish Box
  • Demo updated - SEPT 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Anilist Image Import now sideloads and use thumbnails downloaded
  • Posters, banners, taxonomy characters, actors and staff images uses conditional thumbnails identifying uploaded images or sideloaded images
  • Added taxonomy "Collections"
  • Removed taxonomy "Manga Authors" (should use "Staff")
  • Fixed some issues about Novel post type

1.1.6 - AUG 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Added AniList Import Compatibility (UNOFFICIAL module developed by us)
  • Improved Search Results Template based on ASP
  • Improved Archive Templates
  • Added new ACF global functions file to resume code
  • Fixed issues with Novels templates
  • Improved Homepage images styling on responsive
  • Added "Related Keyword" field for better building "Related Media" box on CPTS.
  • Improved Thumbnail columns on Backend for Taxonomies and Post Types
  • Changed H1 style for titles on Home Slider
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to (mandatory)
  • Added A-Z Characters page templates
  • Added Featured Novels module
  • Updated Twitter icon to "X"
  • Updated Font Awesome to latest version
  • "Manga Authors" taxonomy now is deprecated and will be removed on next update

1.1.5 - JUNE 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Fixed manga child template styles
  • Added "Latest" toggle to Home Sliders
  • Added Novel Post type, with same use as Manga
  • Added "Translator" User Box with donation links for chapters
  • Improved Pages permalinking for Alt Pages (List of Chapters, Episodes, Characters)
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to 1.0.3 (mandatory)
  • Updated Plugin Updater Checker from v4 to v5
  • Improved code and some css styles

1.1.4 - MAY 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Added RTL compatibility
  • Added Next/Prev post quantity option
  • Replaced Search plugin
  • Improved search results page, includes actors and characters taxonomies as results
  • Added "Role" field to Actors and Characters taxonomies

1.1.3 - MAY 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Improved code and some css styles
  • Added Characters taxonomy and his taxonomy template
  • Added Characters list on post types. A button appears on frontend when select the quantity to characters to appear.
  • Added Character on taxonomy Voice Actors template
  • Added Repeater to add Voice Actors and his Characters
  • Added Manga Authors to A-Z page templates
  • Modified the code to show post types on taxonomies (better summarized in less space, using loop)
  • Added more accurate types on badges on cpt archives templates
  • Added Gallery field and tab for Characters, Actors and Staff
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to 1.0.2 (mandatory)

1.1.2 - APR 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Improved code and some css styles
  • Added new style to clean admin backend for movies, series and mangas using left tabs
  • Added new custom fields for general catalog data: opening, ending, budget, revenue, available formats (DVD, Bluray...), official website button
  • Budget and Revenue fields have a function to add commas to numbers, that can be overwritten
  • Changed top image on single movies, series and mangas; now if image is not uploaded, not shows the big placeholder
  • Added gallery field to child post manga; if is used, only that images uploaded are showed on the post, if is not used, the WYSIWYG editor will show the content

1.1.1 - FEB 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Added Single Manga template with same style for movies and series
  • Added new fields to Manga Post Type
  • Improved code and some css styles

1.1.0 - JAN 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Added column selector for Reviews archive, News template and Author archive
  • Added Toggle on/off Date for Featured Posts and Reviews modules
  • Improved code on Single Movies and Series

Version 1.0.9

  • Added Toggle on/off for carousels on homepage. This only disables the slider js and show the columned content

Version 1.0.8

  • Added List Page Template for Categories and Genres
  • Added Slides Cover Image Scale option for Movies, Series, Mangas sliders on Home
  • Changed titles on pages to H1 tag
  • Home Sliders now removes inner shadow gradient when Titles are outside
  • Added Inside or Outside titles options for Home Categories and Genres sliders
  • Fixed isuue for Theme Updater

Version 1.0.7 - October 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons plugin
  • Created alt page for "episodes" with HTML5 default videoplayer
  • Added Watch Episodes, episodes file loader field and download files table for Single Series
  • Added A-Z Actors/Staff paginated template
  • Added frontend buttons for change the view / hide-show sidebar of single series and movies
  • Modified "Related posts" on single series and movies template
  • Added Classic Editor and Classic Widgets on TGM

Version 1.0.6 - September 5, 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Changed titles on singles to H1 tag
  • Added “only for logged in users” message for manga chapters availability
  • Changed arrow to dot and added dot color for manga chapter lists on sliders, below titles
  • Added AZ Staff page templates
  • Removed unuseful imagesloaded.js

Version 1.0.5 - June 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Improved CSS fixes
  • Added new functions to Theme Settings
  • New actors A-Z page

Version 1.0.4 - 2nd half May 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Added Episodes and Season Fields for Series
  • Added new options to theme settings page
  • CSS fixes

Version 1.0.3 – May 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Added optional FacetWp filter plugin and filtering module to post type archives (Manga, Movies and Series)
  • Added new options to theme settings page
  • Added new page template to show all Manga, Movies and Series
  • CSS fixes

Version 1.0.2 - March 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Added modules for genres and updated mangas on home
  • Added a module repeater for custom content with links
  • Added new options to theme settings as new on/off settings, user sign icon modal or dropdown and a centered view (without lateral bars) for mangas
  • Changed the columned mangas to columned repeater for all custom post types
  • Mangas module on home and his child posts list are now queryied by post update
  • Mangas can show the child posts as only chapters or volumes with chapters
  • Mangas child posts has next and prev buttons and a menu icon for the centered view
  • Added simplebar fix to menu
  • Removed the "manga genres" taxonomy to only use the "genres" taxonomy

Version 1.0.1

  • Added Theme Updater
  • Added Manga section

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

12 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

Im using this theme on my site . Its a great theme, with almost everything i wanted. the support is amazing! i dont regret buying it
Great theme, great support. They consider user suggestions for improvement. They also update regularly so I think the theme will get better over time. Recommended for drama, anime, manga and novel lovers. It's also great for aspiring writers trying to build their own place on the internet.
Super Thanks! 👍
Not working after installation. Requires additional paid plugins.
Hello, you can ask us for Support via the Ticket System or Email, we have not had a problem with previous installations. Thanks.
it's an amazing theme, I love everything about it, and I'm curious if it is possible to incorporate a store into it like the theme Animag has set up. that'll be the one thing that would push this theme over the top
Thanks! 👍 We will take your suggestion into consideration for the future, although Update 1.2 already marks a before and after in the history of the template.
More than a theme, it is a base for an entire site dedicated 100% to manga, anime and novels, it was not what I was looking for, it is too much to configure and after several hours I couldn't even make a logo look good, that the bar search did not look red and the demo links showed something, the truth is that it takes a lot of time to learn how to use it since it depends on many plugins that the author does offer, but in the end it is not for me, I will continue looking for a theme that is not the basis for an entire site.
Thanks! 👍

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