Magetique - AMP-Ready 多用途 Magento 主题
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AMP-Ready 多用途 Magento 2 主题
Magetique amp-ready 多用途 Magento 2 主题包含了我们所有的设计和技术知识,可转化为最先进的 Magento 2 体验。它包括无数的营销、设计和管理工具。
该套装包括 5 种精心设计的布局,适合各种利基市场。它们通过直观的界面和详细的文档轻松安装和管理。
- 家具表皮;
- 内衣皮肤;
- 备件皮肤;
- 医疗设备皮肤;
- 自行车皮肤。
- 电子皮肤(编码:LESS);
- 运动皮肤(编码:LESS);
- 工具皮肤(编码:LESS);
- 儿童商店(编码:LESS);
- 杂货店、超市(编码:LESS);
- 时装店(编码:LESS)。
多用途 Magento 2 主题功能
市场上没有其他主题可以立即提供如此多的功能 - 您将获得 20 多个扩展来满足您的业务需求。他们之中:
- 阿贾克斯搜索
- 超级菜单
- 薄膜滑块
- 阿贾克斯愿望清单
- 阿贾克斯比较
- 阿贾克斯目录
- 布局切换器
- 视差和视频背景
- 谷歌地图
- 目录图像网格
- 博客
- 特色产品
- 主题选项
- 时事通讯弹出窗口
- 按品牌选购
- 特价倒计时
- 社交登录
- 社交分享
- Facebook 页面插件
- 推特插件
- 现场维护
- 社交图标
Magetique 多用途主题已支持 AMP
在网站优化方面,更快的加载时间是一个常见的话题。当我们谈论页面速度时,加速移动页面扩展就脱颖而出。首先,它为移动设备提供了新的机遇。 AMP 使您的移动页面能够快速加载,让您的客户在浏览和购买流程中保持参与。
Magetique (July 19, 2022):
- fixed Uncaught TypeError: mediaCheck is not a function.
Magetique (December 3, 2020):
- add a Fashion store skin (LESS coding).
Magetique (November 4, 2020):
- add a Grocery store, Supermarket skin (LESS coding).
Magetique (October 13, 2020):
- add Kids store skin (LESS coding).
Magetique (September 21, 2020):
- add Tools store skin (LESS coding).
Magetique (August 4, 2020):
- add Sports store skin (LESS coding).
Magetique (July 25, 2020):
- add Electronics and Smart Gadgets store skin (LESS coding).
Magetique Version 2.3.4 (April 20, 2020):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.4;
- minor fixes.
Magetique Version 2.3.3 (November 12, 2019):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.3.
Magetique Version 2.3.3 (July 14, 2019):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.2;
- fixed: add MegaMenu label styles;
- fixed: Social Login extension authorization issues;
- fixed: AMP Home Page Layout.
Magetique Version 2.3.1 (Apr 21, 2019):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.1;
- fixed: 5 minor database bugs.
Magetique Version v2.3.2 (May 3, 2019):
- delete Sample Data Installer.
Magetique Version 2.3.1 (Apr 21, 2019):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.1;
- fixed: 5 minor database bugs.
Magetique Version 2.3.0 (Jan 11, 2019):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.0;
- fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
- fixed: Main Menu display issues.
Magetique Version 2.2.2 (Nov 27, 2018):
- fixed: left sidebar display issues;
- fixed: unable to reset filters in product categories page.
Magetique Version 2.2.1 (Oct 20, 2018):
- fixed: Compare Massages display issues;
- fixed: Main Menu issues;
- fixed: minor database issues.
Magetique Version 2.2.0 (Oct 17, 2018):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.6;
- fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
- fixed: printable version issues;
- fixed: header loading issues.
Magetique Version 2.1.18 (July 19, 2018):
- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.5;
- fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
- fixed: "Update" icon in mini-cart;
- fixed: validate star field for reviews.
Magetique Version 2.1.16 (May 23, 2018):
- fixed: Parallax image display on Edge;
- fixed: Parallax scroll on Edge;
- fixed: Checkout scroll on Edge;
- fixed: incorrect rating display on Edge;
- fixed: Mini-Cart incorrect product adding;
- fixed: product price incorrect display in Featured Products widget;
- fixed: Ajax Catalog category filters and search results;
- fixed: issues with Full Pack Installation on HTTPS;
- fixed: Catalog Images Grid columns and pagination display;
- fixed: price and taxes label display on Listing and Product Page;
- fixed: issues with shopping options on mobile version;
- update: CSS for default email templates;
- update: CSS for Minimum Advertised Price.
Magetique Version 2.1.10 (April 6, 2018):
- UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.3;
- UPDATE: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension;
- fixed: minor bugs.
Magetique Version 2.1.9 (February 16, 2018):
- fixed: Minicart extension;
- fixed: added css-styles for category filter.
Magetique Version 2.1.8 (February 01, 2018):
- UPDATE: Featured Products widget;
- ADD: 5 databases for each topic.
Magetique Version 2.1.7 (January 28, 2018):
- fixed: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension.
Magetique Version 2.1.6 (January 12, 2018):
- ADDED: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension.
Magetique Version 2.1.5 (December 28, 2017):
- UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.2;
- fixed: Theme options social links.
Magetique Version 2.1.4 (December 15, 2017):
- UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.1;
- update: deleted Smart Product Labels extension.
Magetique Version 2.1.2 (July 10, 2017):
- update: Ajax Search extension;
- update: Product Labels extension;
- update: Theme Updater extension;
- update: Ajax Compare extension;
- update: Film Slider extension;
- update: Shop by Brand extension;
- fixed: Product type styles;
- Minor bug fixes.
Magetique Version 2.1 (June 05, 2017):
- UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.1.7.
Magetique Version 2.0 (May 28, 2017):
- update: Compatibility with Magento 2.1.6 engine;
- add: Sample data Installer/Import extension;
- add: the ability to add Posts' categories block on the posts listing page (Blog extension);
- add: the ability to add the Price slider to the product filter in the sidebar; infinite scroll option (Ajax Catalog extension);
- add: Tabs, banner, gallery (Featured Product extension);
- add: Change image on hover option, ability to display thumbnail gallery or/and product image slider on the catalog page (Theme option extension);
- fixed: Ajax Compare extension;
- fixed: Ajax search extension;
- fixed: Parallax and video background extension;
- fixed: Shop by brand extension;
- fixed: Smart product labels extension;
- fixed: Film slider extension;
- fixed: Design issues;
- Minor bug fixes.
Magetique Version 1.2 (February 27, 2017):
- UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.1.5;
- new: 1 fresh theme with 2 extra layout of the main page: Spare parts;
- new: One extra layout of the main page in each theme;
- update: Blog extension;
- update: Featured Product extension;
- update: FilmSlider extension;
- update: Megamenu extension;
- fixed: Theme Options extension;
- fixed: Layout Switcher extension;
- fixed: Shop By Brand extension;
- fixed: CountdownTimer extension;
- fixed: Parallax extension;
- Minor bug fixes.
Magetique Version 1.1 (December 26, 2016):
- new: 2 fresh themes: Bikes and Medical equipment;
- new: One extra layout of the main page in each theme;
- new: One more page layout;
- new: Two more listing page layouts;
- new: Shop by brand extension;
- new: Special price countdon extension;
- new: Social login extension;
- new: Social sharing extension;
- new: Smart product labels extension;
- new: Image zoom extension;
- new: Site Maintenance extension;
- Updated versions of theme options, featured products, layout switcher and blog extensions;
- Fixed parallax issue (now compatible with new version of Chrome);
- Minor bug fixes.
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