Vergreen - Potted Plant Store Prestashop 响应式主题

Vergreen - 盆栽植物商店主题是现代而灵活的 Prestashop 响应式主题,旨在为开花植物、药用植物、家居装饰植物、水果和蔬菜植物创建现代强大的电子商务网站。
- Prestashop 版本:v1.7.6.x、v1.7.7.x、v1.7.8.x、v8.0.x、v8.1.x、v8.2.x
- Bootstrap HTML5 和 CSS3
- 完全响应主题
- 包含Google 字体
- 支持多种货币
- 支持多种语言
- 包含RTL 语言支持
- 无核心修改
- SEO(搜索引擎优化)友好
- 针对快速加载 + CSS Sprite进行了优化
- 类别页面上的产品网格和列表视图
- 无限横幅
- 全屏响应横幅滑块
- 最新产品滑块/网格模块
- 特色产品滑块/网格模块
- 首页上的视频部分
- 标题栏中的购物车下拉菜单
- 水平超级菜单
- 主页上的品牌徽标滑块/网格
- 产品图片翻转效果
- 产品评论模块
- Ajax 产品愿望清单
- Ajax 产品快速查看
- Ajax 产品比较
- 博客模块
- 产品详细信息页面上的相关产品滑块
- 产品详情页上的同类别产品滑块
- Ajax 产品过滤器
- 自定义链接块模块
- 滚动至顶部按钮
- 新闻通讯弹出模块
- Cookie 法律模块
- 销售通知弹出模块
- 有效的 XHTML 和 CSS 标记
- 易于使用和定制
- 避免 JavaScript 冲突
- 包含 PSD 文件
- 兼容所有主流浏览器
- 结构良好且注释良好的代码,易于定制
- 完整的用户指南文档可帮助您安装和使用主题
- 还有很多……
##Update History
- Resolve some miscellaneous bug with modules
- Fixed some hook related problem with modules
- Added new twitter icon
- Added theme compatibility with prestashop version 8.0.x.
- Added Newsletter Popup, Cookie Law and Sale Notification popup module
- Fixed theme and modules compatibility issue with PHP version 8.x
- Updated theme files to resolve problem of wishlist and compare function with prestashop version and latest version
1 Reviews for this product
Was looking for a suitable option for a flower store. I chose this one because I liked the overall color scheme. With one exception - the footer seemed too heavy because of the black color. However, this can be easily fixed by replacing a couple of values in the CCC, so we'll keep five stars.
The template is easy to use, it's true. Five stars.
The author's help is definitely five stars - none of my questions were left unanswered. I am still working on adapting it to my needs, so I expect the author to help me again. :)
Thank you so much for your positive feedback
0 Comments for this product