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shoppingBag 减价出售: 57


Created: 2019年2月25日

Updated: 2024年3月15日

ID: 78173

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $14.90/月

410k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
Movic-时尚PrestaShop主题 - Features Image 1Movic-时尚PrestaShop主题 - Features Image 2
  • 23 主页
  • 多主页、多标题和详细产品
  • 设计完成产品详情页7种布局风格
  • Prestashop默认RTL:可以使用Leotheme的RTL或默认RTL
  • 简码小部件
  • 飞车

动画效果灵活,前端显示流畅。此外,其他模块也进行了更新,以适应版本1.7-8.x,如Megamenu、幻灯片、实时主题编辑器、博客等。特别是Leo功能模块,包括愿望清单、比较、评论、 Flycart和默认购物车将为您带来最好的体验用户。

Oreo Fashion Store多重响应式Prestashop主题还支持Trendy Mega Menu、主题编辑器、一步添加到购物车,以帮助客户更轻松、更快地浏览和管理。 CSS3、HTML5、RTL 语言布局和 Bootstrap 4 框架还可以创建高精度的精致网页。

跟随我们,只需点击Live Demo,您就有机会体验精彩的主题。多么有趣啊!


  • 该模板专为台式机、所有平板电脑和移动设备设计
  • 页面构建器模块:拖放、短代码、登陆页面创建器、产品和类别的自定义字段。
  • 主页和类别页面中的产品列表构建器。
  • 产品详细信息构建器并支持 8+ 产品布局。
  • 实时编辑主题:更改背景、文本颜色、页眉和页脚样式
  • 大型菜单模块、博客模块、响应式幻灯片、视频幻灯片。
  • 飞行购物车、愿望清单、添加比较、产品选项卡、ajax 搜索。
  • 使用 CSS3、SVG 图标。
  • 产品滑块/网格主页和类别页面
  • 看书模块、产品图库模块
  • 社交区块:Twitter、Facebook、Instagram、Pinterest。
  • 谷歌速度的最大加载速度,SEO 优化。
  • RTL 和多语言支持,翻译成 6 种语言
  • 完全兼容 IE11+、Firefox 2+、Firefox 3、Flock 0.7+、Netscape、Safari、Opera 9.5、Chrome


upload latest version for prestashop 8.1.4 ****templates change:

-List file change

assets\js\theme.js assets\js\thirdPartyNotice.json \templates\catalog_partials\miniatures\category.tpl templates\catalog_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl


templates\catalog_partials\category-header.tpl templates\catalog_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl


templates\catalog_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\checkout_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout_partials\cart-summary-product-line.tpl templates\checkout_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\discount.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl

6 Reviews for this product

I found it a difficult product to use, too many different files and too many of the author's own developments, I didn't like its complexity.
Hello, please can tell me your problems we will help for you
I bought Movic Fashion Theme and I assure you that it is fantastic. Very easy to setup, very easy to customize. I suggest you to buy it as it has many many layout available good for any kind of fashion product.
Thank you so much
Excellent, easy to install and configure. Good support, they responded quickly to a query
Thank you so much
Magnífico y muy versátil. Fácil de usar y se adapta a infinidad de propósitos
Thank you so much
we had some modification needs for this theme. we asked without much hope and instead within a few hours we had the change made. great!
Thank you so much if you can change vote to 5 we will very happy

0 Comments for this product


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4.7 /5
Support rating (25 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 23 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 2
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



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