AStar - 时尚多功能 WooCommerce 主题

A-Star 是一个现代且灵活的 WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress 主题。 A-Star 是 100% 响应式的,这意味着无论使用何种设备,您的网站每次都会完美地缩放以适应每种设备。该主题与高级插件包兼容:WPBakery Page Builder。该插件是易于使用的拖放页面构建器,可帮助您快速轻松地创建您可以想象的任何布局。
November 11, 2024:
- Changed all files and whole file structures
- Need to reinstall theme
- Major Release 2.0.0
- Update theme plugins files.
- Fixed outdated files issue with theme package.
- Fixed some miscellaneous CSS issue.
- Update theme plugins files.
- Fixed outdated files issue with theme package.
- Fixed some miscellaneous css issue.
- Update sample data.
- Fixed outdated file issue with WooCommerce all plugins file.
- Fixed outdated file issue with WooCommerce plugins file.
- Update sample data file.
- Update plugin Revolution, WPBakery Page Builder, Shortcode.
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