FoodSetup - 食品香料和餐厅 WooCommerce 主题

FoodSetup 是一个现代且灵活的 WordPress 主题,具有漂亮的排版、微妙的过渡和有趣的导航使用。 FoodSetup 主题专为食品、餐厅、蔬菜、披萨、咖啡、巧克力和蛋糕店创建。 FoodSetup 主题旨在让您的网站更漂亮,让您的生活更轻松。 FoodSetup 与一系列高级插件兼容,例如 WPBakery Page Builder。使用此插件可以轻松地通过拖放页面构建器进行自定义,这将帮助您快速轻松地创建任何布局。在 FoodSetup 主题中,主题的所有功能都提供了一系列强大的短代码和小部件,以方便使用和容量。 FoodSetup 主题包含大量商店布局,包括许多产品模板和元素。
November 11, 2024:
- Changed all files and whole file structures
- Need to reinstall theme
- Major Release 2.0.0
August 12, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the foodsetup_customizer_export.dat, foodsetup_widgets_settings.wie, foodsetup_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
- Update WordPress Version
- Update Revolution Slider
- Fixed some miscellaneous bugs with theme package.
- Update latest version of Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin.
- Update revolution slider Revolution Slider and WP Bakery plugin in latest version.
- Fixed outdated file issue with theme package.
- Update theme plugins files.
- Solve some miscellaneous bugs.
- Update Parent Sample Data
- Update plugin Revolution and WPBakery Page Builder.
- Solve some miscellaneous bugs.
- Fixed outdated files issue and update theme plugin files.
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