MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

如果您要创建专门针对食品配送主题的电子商务网站,Burgelo 主题是一个不错的选择。您将能够以此主题以最明亮的方式展示您的送货服务。有预先设计的页面,例如主页、关于、食品、送货和联系方式,您将在其中显示相关内容,访问者将能够轻松快速地找到所需的信息。无需任何编码技能即可对商品进行分类并显示特别优惠、每日膳食等。此外,Burgelo 主题提供了强大的功能。您将使用 Elementor 页面构建器的 Jet 插件根据您的需求和品味自定义网站。有 JetWooBuilder、JetCompareWishlist、JetProductGallery 和 JetSmartFilters 插件,它们将有助于以最令人兴奋的方式呈现餐点。使用 JetTricks 插件,您将添加各种动画效果和视觉技巧来活跃您的在线商店。使用 JetThemeCore 插件,您将可以访问包含不同主题的预制部分和整个页面的库。 JetElements 插件将允许创建不同类型的内容。 Burgelo 是一个响应灵敏的现代主题,它将帮助您吸引更多客户使用您的送餐服务。
March 26, 2024:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Burgelo (September 28, 2023):
- WordPress 6.3 compatible;
- WooCommerce 8.1 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
Burgelo (October 28, 2022):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.7 compatible;
- WooCommerce 7.0 compatible;
- WordPress 6.0 compatible.
Burgelo (May 28, 2021):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.2 compatible;
- WooCommerce 5.3 compatible;
- WordPress 5.7 compatible.
Burgelo (October 21, 2020):
- Minor bugs fixed;
- Latest elementor compatible;
- Latest WooCommerce compatible.
4 Reviews for this product
Great template with great support from technical team, best template to work with with premium features
The best part of our work is to get reviews like this one :)
Thank you for choosing us!
Nice template and great service!
It is easy to use and Elementor is a great tool.
Ho acquistato un template e ho avuto bisogno di assistenza, sono stati tempestivi, cordiale e competente. non solo mi hanno dato aiuto ma mi hanno inviato tutti i files di tutti i moduli aggiornati all'ultima versione++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Consigliatissimo.
Excelente plantilla muy fácil de instalar y configurar el sitio
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