Megatop - 大型商店和多用途 WooCommerce 主题

Megatop 主题是一个现代且灵活的 WordPress 主题,具有漂亮的排版和有趣的导航功能。 Megatop 主题专为大型商店、时尚、家具、鞋子、珠宝、化妆品、美容、工具、手表和多功能商店创建。 Megatop 主题的设计是为了让您的网站更漂亮,让您的生活更轻松。 Megatop 主题与许多高级插件兼容,例如 WP Bakery Page Builder、Revolustion Slider 等。并且 WPBakery 插件可通过拖放页面生成器轻松编辑,这将帮助您更快、更轻松地创建任何布局。 Megatop 主题包括主题的所有功能,并提供一系列强大的短代码和小部件,易于使用和容量。 Megatop 主题拥有大量商店布局,包括许多产品模板和元素。
October 16, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.2.1
- Added shimmer and loading effects
October 8, 2024:
- Changed all files and whole file structures
- Need to reinstall theme
- Major Release 2.0.0
August 13, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the megatop_customizer_export.dat, megatop_widgets_settings.wie, megatop_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
- Update WordPress Version
- Update Revolution Slider
- Update revolution slider Revolution Slider and WP Bakery plugin in latest version.
- Fixed outdated file issue with theme package.
- Update all plugins files.
- Fixed outdated files issue with theme package.
- Update sample data.
- Solved some miscellaneous bugs with theme package
2 Reviews for this product
Very good template loading very fast and the display is very beautiful.
This product consists lots of bugs. I will advice you to find out another product as its containing lots of bugs. The support team provide delayed response to fix this.
There are no bugs at all, they need additional customization for free of cost.
And you can't expect reply within few minutes of the ticket submitted. Understand the intention of bad review.
0 Comments for this product