JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题

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Created: 2017年12月15日

Updated: 2024年4月23日

ID: 66224

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

480k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 1JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 2JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 3JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 4JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 5JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 6JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 7JunkTruck - 垃圾服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题 - Features Image 8

JunkTruck - 废物服务和垃圾清除 WordPress 主题

谁喜欢打扫卫生?除了那些将这视为一门生意的人之外,没有人会这样做。从公寓、住宅到办公室、商务中心,各个级别的清洁服务需求量都很大。就成本而言,该项目并不昂贵:雇佣人员和购买清洁产品就足够了,并且让您所在城市的每个人都知道您现在已经准备好提供清洁服务 - 使用清洁公司的网站模板。由于设置的简单性,垃圾清除 WordPress 主题允许您在没有特殊知识的情况下安装您的主题之一。


垃圾清除 WordPress 主题旨在减轻您创建名片并告知潜在客户有关服务及其成本的担忧。

任何企业,无论是金融、建筑还是清洁公司,都需要不断自我推销。最有效的营销工具之一是专业网站。使用 JunkTruck 作为基础,在最短的时间内启动您的网站。

JunkTruck - 清洁公司的多功能主题

JunkTruck 是一个多功能垃圾清除 WordPress 主题,借助它,您可以为清洁公司创建一个网站,该公司提供清洁、清洁房屋、维修结构等服务。JunkTruck 包括许多现成的演示布局,几个代表您公司的内部页面,以及许多其他功能,您可以使用它们创建一个成熟的网站来展示您的服务并寻找客户。该主题使用流行且方便的页面编辑器。要处理该主题,您不需要特殊的知识或技能。

通过一键导入演示版本,您可以在几分钟内轻松设置和运行您的网站。您还可以创建新页面并通过实时预览更改来更改网站设计的各个方面。借助 JunkTruck,您的网站将脱颖而出,并帮助您将网站的访问者转变为客户。

初学者可以使用垃圾清除 WordPress 主题的详细说明。此外,用户将可以访问主题的所有未来更新。您还可以访问支持论坛,在这里您可以找到与该主题相关的任何问题的答案。

优先选择垃圾清除 WordPress 主题,您可以创建一个成熟的 SEO 优化网站,这将帮助您扩大客户群并不断发展您的业务。不要浪费时间,研究模板并创建您的网站,以便在这个不断增长的细分市场中占据您的利基!


April 23, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

JunkTruck (October 26, 2023):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.3 compatible.

JunkTruck (March 30, 2023):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.11 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.1 compatible.

JunkTruck (July 1, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.2 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.7 compatible.

8 Reviews for this product

As usual Template Monsters themes are wonderful. Easy to install with their sample data and the website is ready to go. You just replace the copy with your own and customize the pictures as you see fit and your site is only hours away from being a custom site for your client or for you.
The Template Is very clean, and the instructions it came with are excellent. I am mechanical engineer and wanted to try and install and setup myself. But being a noob, I do not understand WordPress's Template / Theme hierarchy. I am back to pay for the installation and setup service. I am very thankful that after purchasing the template that Template monster is gives the option to come back and purchase the setup and installation.
I purchased this theme the other day from templatemonster. Initially I asked to be sent several designs with various layouts and I eventually ended up choosing this one. I followed the instructions and carefully installed the theme to my server with the wordpress site. I also managed to install the demo content too. The demo content is important as I find it easier to then amend the sections for my products and text and photos. There were a few small things that i need help with by the support team and they were able to assist me and sort out any issues - mostly CSS and finding where to change things I am happy and I will definatley be buying more templates in the coming weeks...Thank you for helping me, much appreciated
очень качественный шаблон, большой функционал, хорошая моб версия
Excellent adaptive template, used for the company engaged in the collection and recycling of garbage. Installation is simple. The template includes several options for the design of the main page, about the company, services - you can choose to your taste. Also included is the editor Elementor, woocommerce (not installed). Of the problems: there were difficulties in creating the site version in English (site in 2 languages). So it was not possible to make a different header for each language. I had to duplicate the inscriptions in 2 languages. The rest of the template can be recommended for purchase.

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Customer Support

4.6 /5
Support rating (1245 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 1068 4 56 3 17 2 9 1 95
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

Compatible with:

WordPress.com Compatibility:

Language support:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: