Téma WordPress na téma Mobilní opravné centrum
MonsterONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

18 Reviews for this product
Il template è facile da configurare ed è ben strutturato, con il plugin power builder è molto semplice modifcare le pagine già esistenti, forse bisogna capire bene come funziona se si vuole creare da zero una pagina, ma una volta capito ci vuole veramente poco.
Good Looking template. Would recommend to anyone looking for a modern look.
I just love the design. it is just what I was looking for. I will use it for my company and I need to get the message through. Right design not only communicates the words I want to say but gives the feel of the service. Smooth and undisturbing.
Very beautifiul and usable template. Perfect for using by mobile and very useful the samples to undestand how to use it. Perfect the support and helpdesk to set some things that I was not able to set.
great elegant design, with great support, easy to use , i am very satisfied
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