MUZAK - Tema de WordPress para bases de datos, reseñas y noticias musicales

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shoppingBag Ventas: 17


Creado: 21 mar 2022

Actualizado: 9 ene 2025

identificación: 235191

Get Free Installation with This Item The "Buy a Template, Get Free Installation" offer is exclusively available for template only. This means the free installation service is only applicable if you start a brand-new website without existing content, structure, or prior installations.
If your website already exists—whether it has been partially built, contains pre-existing content, or uses a different template or CMS—this offer will not apply. Also you can consider Free Installation as an option if you confirm existing date erasing and confirm that it will look like in demo with dummy content. Other cases can be reviewed by our team and can be done for additional fee depending on your requirements.
If you’re unsure whether your project qualifies for the free installation, contact our support team before purchasing a template.

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MUZAK - Tema de WordPress para bases de datos, reseñas y noticias musicales - Características Imagen 1MUZAK - Tema de WordPress para bases de datos, reseñas y noticias musicales - Características Imagen 2

Un nuevo comienzo para las plantillas musicales

Siguiendo la línea de los productos anteriores, creemos que era necesario crear una plantilla para hacer “el (similar) IMDB de la música” con WordPress. Así nació este nuevo producto llamado MUZAK, pensado para que los usuarios puedan crear sus propios sitios de noticias y reseñas musicales, y añadir sus propias bases de datos o catalogaciones con artistas y discografías. El tema está integrado con plugins para valorar reseñas, búsqueda en vivo con muchas personalizaciones y el reproductor Sonaar que permite subir pistas para cada álbum.

Con este tema ahora puedes obtener datos de álbumes y artistas con Discogs (integración de API no oficial), por lo que ahora puedes acceder a la base de datos de música más grande del mundo, proporcionando a los usuarios metadatos detallados de álbumes y artistas como imágenes, descripciones, miembros de la banda, sitios web y listas de canciones.

MUZAK también incluye las funciones clásicas de nuestras plantillas: campos personalizados para rellenar información y configurar tema con interruptores, partituras para usuarios y editores, selectores de color, módulos prediseñados y preconstruidos para página de inicio, búsqueda en vivo AJAX y un modo oscuro ideal para dispositivos móviles.

MUZAK está creado con Bootstrap, es totalmente responsive y mantiene la estética "App". Además es compatible con WPML y Loco Translate para traducir las líneas y cadenas con lenguaje propio. Incluye un Child Theme para usuarios avanzados que buscan modificar o extender las funciones a través de codificación.

Esperamos que este tema le resulte agradable y valore su uso y tiempo de desarrollo.

No dudes en contactarnos y leer nuestras preguntas frecuentes para cualquier duda.

Lista de cambios

1.0.7 - DEC 2024

  • Integration with Discogs API (unofficial)
  • Added Gallery field to Albums and Artist
  • Added Heading Image for Artist
  • Fixed some CSS styles and functions
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to 1.0.3 (mandatory) - NOV 2024

  • Added warnings for non activated core functions - NOV 2024

  • Fixed some CSS styles and functions

1.0.6 - OCT 2024

  • Changed the field "Release Format" to checkbox with custom values capability
  • Added "Custom Year" field to add "19XX" value to undefined Years
  • Added "Country" field with flags
  • Added "Video Playlist" on Albums post type to create a video gallery of embed Youtube videos
  • Added "Latest" option to Home Albums and Artists Slider
  • Added "Select album or artist by taxonomy" option to Home Albums and Artists Repeater
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to 1.0.2 (mandatory) with important fixes. Update plugin first before update the Theme.
  • Included ACF Extended as mandatory plugin
  • Updated PUC (Plugin Update Checker) to v5
  • Improved CSS and code fixes
  • Removed the "ASP" folder in parent theme folder, the ASP template file inside is now unused
  • Demo updated - OCT 2023

  • Compatible with latest WP version
  • Fixed issue when showing taxonomy term list
  • Demo updated - JUN 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Fixed some CSS styles and functions

1.0.5 - APR 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Fixed some CSS styles
  • Added new social icons
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1

1.0.4 - JAN 2023

  • Demo updated
  • Fixed "More albums" query on single albums template
  • Added Home Model Order for Homepage on Theme Settings. Useful to order the Modules without using the Child Theme. Only valid using the "Homepage Flex" template.
  • Fixed some CSS styles

1.0.3 - DEC 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Improved CSS fixes
  • Added optional Faceted search for the "Explore All" page template
  • Added sidebar only for "Explore All" page template
  • Added "Explore All" page template
  • Changed H1 tag for page titles
  • Changed tags with button style
  • Added xs size for some buttons style

1.0.2 - JUN 2022

  • Demo updated
  • Improved CSS fixes
  • Added new functions to Theme Settings
  • Compatible with WP 6.0

Version 1.0.1 - MAY 2022

  • Added Sticky Sidenav option
  • Fixed some bugs on CSS

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

1 Reseñas de este producto

This is the best theme! I’m thrilled with this and love it! I highly recommend it! This IS equivalent to “IMDb” but for music 🙂. If you are an artist, a band, a music fan, or a “database creator,” this is something you should purchase! It has available filters that have checkmarks for categories (you can checkmark as much as you want from various categories to narrow things down) keeping everything organized on your website. When you add something to your website, it will show new artists and new albums added on your homepage. You can create an artist’s biography, an album description, an album review, and news for them, for instance 🙂. When following the manual document for Muzak, it’s easy to understand and follow. It’s also easy to install on your WordPress (the “org” version). If you have recommendations and/or suggestions to help improve this, the author takes your recommendations/suggestions into consideration to translate and implement them in the best way possible for the Muzak theme. The support is fantastic! They reply super fast on time. Their help/support is top-notch and resolves things fast.
Thanks! 👍

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4,9 /5
Support rating (55 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 51 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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