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shoppingBag 减价出售: 63


Created: 2017年5月5日

Updated: 2017年5月5日

ID: 63977

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

480k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 1AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 2AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 3AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 4AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 5AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 6AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 7AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 8AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 9AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 10AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 11AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 12AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 13AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 14AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 15AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 16AllyBike-自行车用品商店响应式Magento主题 - Features Image 17
AllyBike 是一个完全响应且记录齐全的自行车用品 Magento 2 主题,经过精心设计,可以满足您的所有业务需求!该主题采用时尚简洁的设计,因此您的客户可以轻松地专注于您的骑行装备产品。此外,AllyBike 具有超级干净的代码和直观的安装,因此,您可以即时开始您的网站。更重要的是,由于多功能的产品徽章、星级评定和优雅的产品轮播,该主题为您提供了迷人的产品展示。此外,Ajax 购物车以及实时搜索和增强的导航将为您的客户提供快速、愉快的购物过程。必备的愿望清单和比较插件将帮助您的客户放置喜欢的物品并按照他们喜欢的方式进行比较。同时,广泛的社交选项将帮助您在整个网络上推广您的自行车商店!这个自行车商店 Magento 2 主题是您启动强大的在线商店的完美解决方案!


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AllyBike Version 1.1.2 (Sep 18, 2018)Additions- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.5- fixed: 2 minor database bugsAllyBike Version 1.1.2 (May 28, 2018)Additions- update: Sample Data Import Module- fixed: issues with Full Pack Installation on HTTPS AllyBike Version 1.1.1 (Mar 27, 2018)Additions- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.3- fixed: 1 minor layout issue AllyBike Version 1.1.0 (Mar 27, 2018)Additions- update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.2- fixed: 2 minor database bugs AllyBike Version 1.0.6 (Sep 8, 2017)Additions- fixed: UPD Theme Updater AllyBike Version 1.0.5 (Jul 31, 2017)Additions- fixed: fold-out navigation menu on mobile version- fixed: 2 drop-down menu style issues AllyBike Version 1.0.4 (Jul 27, 2017)Additions- fixed: style issues on Catalog Page AllyBike Version 1.0.3 (Jul 27, 2017)Additions- fixed: mobile menu style issue- fixed: 3 background bugs AllyBike Version 1.0.2 (Jul 27, 2017)Additions- fixed: Catalog Image Grid display issues- fixed: JS bugs

6 Reviews for this product

Sehr freundlicher Support. Das Magento2 Template ist gut implementiert. Leider wurde die angegebene Installationsdauer um ein vielfaches Überschritten. Auch das Backend war nicht in Deutsch, wie bestellt. Um den Kunden nicht noch länger warten zu lassen, habe ich deutsch selbst implemetiert. Alles in allem ein durchwachsenes Fazit. Nächstes mal werde ich nur die Vorlage kaufen ohne jede weitere Zusatzleistungen.
Muy buen tema fue usado a la perfección en mi negocio. Este tema me dio el impulso
The template is OK, a bit slow or need more memory. Configuration blocks or widgets can be better for banners or grids.
it a nice template full of options to sell on line, it was so easy to install.
Really great template. Good Documentation. Vraiment beau modèle. Avec une bonne documentation annexée.

0 Comments for this product


Guru Author

Customer Support

4.1 /5
Support rating (273 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 199 4 12 3 6 2 5 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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Language support:

Magento Compatibility:

Magento Engine:


PHP extensions: bc-math, curl, gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both, intl, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, openssl, PDO/MySQL, SimpleXML, soap, xml, xsl, zip
PHP OPcache
Adobe Photoshop CC+ Adobe Photoshop CC+
Sublime Text2或其他版本, Notepad++或任何PHP编辑器
为了解压缩模板的ZIP压缩包: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.6
PHP 7.0.2 PHP 7.0.2
PHP 7.0.6.-7.0.x PHP 7.0.6.-7.0.x
PHP 7.0.4 PHP 7.0.4
MySQL 5.7 MySQL 5.7
nginx 1.x nginx 1.x
PHP 7.1.x PHP 7.1.x