Etechno - 电子和计算机多用途 WooCommerce 主题

Etechno 主题是一个现代且灵活的 WordPress 主题,具有漂亮的排版和有趣的导航使用。 Etechno 主题专为大型商店、数码、电子、家电、厨房、汽车、工具、自行车、汽车、体育、照明、配件和多功能商店创建。 Etechno 主题设计它是为了让您的网站更漂亮,让您的生活更轻松。 Etechno 主题与许多高级插件兼容,例如 WP Bakery Page Builder、Revolustion Slider 等。在 Etechno 主题中,使用 wpbakery 插件,可通过拖放页面生成器轻松编辑,这将帮助您更快、更快速地创建所有类型的布局。简单的。 Etechno 主题包括主题的所有功能,并提供一系列强大的短代码和小部件,易于使用和容量。 Etechno 主题拥有大量商店布局,包括许多产品模板和元素。
October 16, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.2.1
- Added shimmer and loading effects
September 21, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.2.0
- Update avanam theme to 1.4.5
August 24, 2024:
- Update core plugin to 3.0.8
- Update avanam theme to 1.4.4
February 20, 2024:
- Changed all the files and whole file structure of the themes and plugins. Recommend to reinstall all files.
- Version 2.0.0
August 10, 2023:
- Changed sample data in the etechno_customizer_export.dat, etechno_widgets_settings.wie, etechno_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
- Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
- Update WordPress Version
- Update Revolution Slider
- Solve some miscellaneous bug with theme files.
- Update latest version of revolution slider & wp bakery plugin.
- Update latest version of Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin with theme package.
- Update revolution slider Revolution Slider & WP Bakery plugin in latest version.
- Upgraded theme plugins files.
- Upgraded theme package for fixed outdated file issues and update plugins files.
- Fixed some miscellaneous issue with theme package.
- Upgraded theme package for fixed outdated file issues and update plugins files.
- Fixed outdated file issue with theme package.
- Fixed some miscellaneous css issue with theme package.
- Fixed out dated files issue with all plugins files.
5 Reviews for this product
Купил недавно эту тему. Понравилось особенно то, что можно сразу установить все присутствующие в демо-версии возможности
I think this is a very modern template, every function is easily configurative. One of the best function of the tamplete is the mobile friendly support. Until now i bougth the eCommerce template from Templatemonster, I very satisfied, so I deeply recommand the company. The template contains included functions, which can help us customize our webshop. The template also included demo product. The demo product shows you how will look like our webshop. The suppert is very helpful.
Cool theme. High-quality modern design and functionality that will help you get more buyers.
Thank you.
I liked the design, the structure and the team. Well supporting, and giving the recommendations. Thanks a lot
Отличный шаблон, много функционала и грамотная верстка. Есть проблема с переводом, т.к. не все модули полностью поддерживают внешние файлы переводов. В остальном все достаточно ровно и даже дефолтный контент входит в лицензию. Разрабам надо доработать качество отображения фотографий и их размеры. Т.к. в настоящий момент в десктопной версии есть нарекания в качеству отображения товаров. В мобильной версии все отлично. В остальном - никаких проблем по шаблону не заметил
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