Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板

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Created: 2016年4月6日

Updated: 2024年2月7日

ID: 58888

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $14.90/月

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Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 1Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 2Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 3Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 4Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 5Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 6Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 7Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 8Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 9Multipurpose Intense - #1 HTML Bootstrap 网站模板 - Features Image 10

Intense - #1 多用途 HTML 模板

Intense是一个功能齐全、多用途的网站模板。它几乎装载了您网站所需的一切。由于其简洁的设计和时尚的布局,它具有高度的灵活性和动态性。此外,可以轻松调整模板以完美匹配您的品牌形象。 Intense 可以极大地提高您的销售额并吸引更多客户访问您的网站。

作为最好的 Bootstrap 多用途模板之一,更新后的 Intense 模板值得一看。它拥有您喜爱原版 Intense 的一切,同时还提供新的令人惊叹的功能和可能性。此响应式 HTML 模板预加载了一组 100% 随时可用的扩展页面。例如,它们包括 30 多个组合页面、50 多个博客页面、30 多个电子商务就绪商店页面等。如此丰富的页面可以轻松使您的网站信息更丰富、更具吸引力。


Intense 因其可靠的代码和高度响应的设计而成为我们最值得信赖的多用途 HTML 模板。它保证您的网站在所有设备和操作系统上看起来都很棒。由于 Intense 最新更新中实施了 BEM 方法,因此其所有组件都是单独开发的。这种方法为您提供了更多编辑选择。此外,它还为各种 CMS 提供了 Intense 简化适配。

新的更新引入了模板的两个版本 - Intense 和 Intense Classic。该模板还具有丰富的 UI 工具包、不同的页面皮肤以及有关以下主题的各种子主题,这些主题可作为 Intense Classic(具有传统设计的模板版本)的一部分提供:

  • 摄影师;
  • 餐厅;
  • 个人博客;
  • 房地产;
  • 手工制作的;
  • 牙科诊所;
  • 财务顾问;
  • 健身房;
  • 儿童保育;
  • 职位公告板;
  • 通讯;
  • 出租车;
  • 宠物商店;
  • 理发店。


适合所有人的灵活 HTML 模板

即使您正在寻找特定的内容,Intense 多用途网站模板也能满足您的需求!它可以为您提供的不仅仅是现代设计和响应能力。对于博主来说,该模板可以提供设计完美、布局多样的博客页面。它还包括灵活的侧边栏和评论表单。

当涉及到在线商店或作品集时,Intense 模板可保证您获得所需的内容。此响应式 HTML5 网站模板具有预先设计的产品页面、商店布局和图库。它使 Intense 成为最好的响应式 Bootstrap HTML5 网站模板之一。


此外,该模板提供的 Intense 经典版本拥有超过 10 个设计完美的登陆页面。每个模板都拥有我们的客户喜欢这个多用途 HTML 网站模板的一切功能。主题包括:

  • 应用;
  • 书;
  • 产品;
  • 旅行;
  • 启动;
  • 事件;
  • 机构;
  • 商业;
  • 公司的;
  • 个人的;
  • 店铺;
  • 启动2;
  • 黑色星期五;
  • 圣诞贺卡;
  • 汽车修理。



我们的多用途 HTML5 网站模板具有 300 多个可重用组件以及模板随附的插件和脚本,包括:

  • 革命滑块和滑动滑块;
  • 猫头鹰旋转木马;
  • RD 活动日历;
  • RD 视差;
  • 同位素排序;
  • Highcharts 和 Flotcharts 等

感谢他们,任何网站所有者都可以轻松地使他们的网站 100% 实用且有吸引力。 Intense 多用途网站模板基于最流行的 HTML 和 CSS 框架之一 - Bootstrap 5 构建。它为您提供对质量和灵活性的最终信心。

但使用 Intense 不仅仅意味着一个稳定的工作网站。除了 Bootstrap 之外,我们的响应式 HTML 网站模板还提供了强大的扩展工具包。它允许您按照您想要的方式自定义 Intense 模板。此外,它还能保证给您的客户留下深刻的印象并使您的网站顺利运行。

除了这些常见功能之外,Intense 多用途网站模板还为您的网站提供令人印象深刻且流畅的视差效果、时尚的形式、无限的皮肤和配色方案以及更多功能。该模板还进行了优化,以提高加载速度。它结构良好,可让您突出显示最有价值的信息。您的网站访问者将享受难忘的浏览体验。

100% 可定制的多用途 HTML 模板

如果没有适当的定制,任何网站都无法发挥作用。这个响应式 HTML 模板为您提供的不仅仅是酷炫的设计。它使您可以访问各种块和元素。请随意使用它们来彻底改造您的网站。从按钮到小部件,让您的 Intense 网站呈现最佳效果没有任何限制。

强烈的主题具有 30 多个页眉和页脚的精彩集合。这些组件中的任何一个都将完美地补充您的资源。我们的响应式多页 HTML 模板适合任何现有网站。您一定会找到所有功能、页面和插件来改造您的网站。所有这些使得 Intense #1 网站模板适合任何目的。


最重要的是,我们需要提到 Intense 的实惠价格。这个多用途响应式 HTML 模板为用户提供的远远超出其成本。从儿童主题开始,Intense 模板对于需要现代且可靠网站的每个人来说都是真正的节省时间的工具。

此外,我们的响应式 HTML5 模板包含受到全球成千上万客户喜爱的 Intense 经典设计。无论您喜欢哪种设计,通过 Intense,您都能获得让您的网站脱颖而出所需的一切。由于定期更新,所有 Intense 用户每两周还将获得更多登陆、利基演示和功能。

如果您现在决定购买我们的多用途 HTML 模板,您将获得更多好处。我们通过 Novi Builder 提供模板,Novi Builder 是一个易于使用的 HTML 页面构建器。它允许您快速编辑页面而无需更改其代码。与 Intense 模板相结合,它为您提供了巨大的网页设计潜力。立即使用 Intense 让您的网站脱颖而出!


Intense Version 6.9 (February 07, 2024):


  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.8 (December 15, 2023):


  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.7 (November 28, 2023):


  • FIX: Form;
  • FIX: Novi Builder presets;
  • FIX: Novi Builder map;
  • FIX: Novi Builder swiper;
  • FIX: Novi Builder tabs;
  • FIX: Novi Builder minor bugs;


  • FIX: Novi Builder minor bugs;
  • FIX: Form;

Deliver Services:

  • FIX: Novi Builder minor bugs;
  • FIX: Form.

Intense Version 6.6 (October 25, 2023):

landing-business child:

  • UPD: jQuery Form;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.5 (August 23, 2023):

Coronavirus child:

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.4 (August 02, 2023):


  • FIX: Builder presets fixes.

Intense Version 6.3 (July 28, 2023):

  • ADD: Casino Child;
  • FIX: Builder projects fixes.
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.2 (June 19, 2023):


  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.1 (May 18, 2023):


  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 6.0 (March 24, 2023):

Intense childs:

  • ADD: Pooper.js 2.9.2 to 2.11.5;
  • UPD: Bootstrap 5.0.1 to 5.2.0;
  • UPD: PHPMailer 5.2.9 to 6.5.5;
  • UPD: Swiper Slider 5.1.3 to 8.4.6;
  • FIX: CSS styles;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.12 (September 23, 2022):

  • ADD: Cryptocurrency Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.11 (November 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Anime Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.10 (October 29, 2021):

  • ADD: Halloween page;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.9 (September 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Cafe & Cocktail Bar Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.8 (August 31, 2021):

UPD: Bootstrap v4.5.3 to 5.0.1 UPD: Bootstrap colorpicker v3.1.2 to 3.4.0 UPD: Summernote v0.8.11 to 0.8.18

Intense Version 5.7 (July 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Summer Camp Child;
  • UPD: Bootstrap to 5.0.1;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.6 (June 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Beauty Salon Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.5 (May 31, 2021):

  • ADD: Fitness Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.4 (April 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Delivery Services Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.3 (March 30, 2021):

  • ADD: Recruitment Agency Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.2 (February 26, 2021):

  • UPD: Bootstrap to 4.5.3;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 5.1 (December 28, 2020):

  • UPD: simplified project structure;
  • UPD: new local development server - oxyz-express;
  • UPD: new assembly module - oxyz-build;
  • UPD: Novi Builder v0.9.9;
  • UPD: improved and optimized core for increased website loading speed;
  • UPD: improved initialization of campaign-monitor, mailchimp, rd-mailform, and reCaptcha;
  • ADD: project installers for Windows and macOS;
  • FIX: minor fixes.

Intense Version 4.14 (November 20, 2020):

  • ADD: Security System Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.13 (October 08, 2020):

  • ADD: Business consulting Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.12 (September 30, 2020):

  • ADD: SEO Agency Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.11 (September 04, 2020):

  • ADD: Travel Agency Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.11 (September 04, 2020):

  • ADD: Travel Agency Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.10 (August 14, 2020):

  • ADD: Event Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.9 (July 31, 2020):

  • ADD: Startup Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.8 (July 22, 2020):

  • ADD: Charity Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.7 (April 30, 2020):

  • ADD: Green Energy Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.6 (April 24, 2020):

  • ADD: Coronavirus Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.5 (April 7, 2020):

  • ADD: Construction Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.4 (February 10, 2020):

  • ADD: Seabay Child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 4.3 (January 20, 2020):

  • ADD: 3 new homepages;
    • Store;
    • Minimal;
    • Portfolio;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes;

Intense Version 4.2 (December 11, 2019):

  • ADD: 3 new homepages;
    • Application;
    • Event;
    • Blog;
  • ADD: 5 new Revolution Slider variants;
    • Crossfade;
    • Fade through;
    • Slide;
    • Overlay;
    • Slots Zoom;
  • ADD: Novi visual content builder;

Intense Version 4.1 (November 27, 2019):

  • ADD: 3 new homepages;
  • ADD: 8 header layouts;
  • ADD: 8 footer layouts;
  • ADD: Revolution Slider v5.4.6;
  • ADD: GreenDesk Admin Dashboard child Theme;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense version 4.0.1 (November 22, 2019):

  • FIX: Minor bug fixes.

Intense version 4.0 (November 12, 2019):

  • We have added a completely new ## Intense design. It's more flexible, smart and has more features than ever before. However, the template includes ## Intense Classic with the traditional design that our customers like. Check the Live Demo to see what the new ## Intense has to offer.

Intense Version 3.7 (Octobet 15, 2019):

  • FIX: Child themes Bug fixes.

Intense Version 3.6 (October 4, 2019):

  • FIX:Child themes minor bug fixes

Intense Version 3.5 (September 4, 2019):

  • UPD: Novi Builder to v 0.9.6.

Intense Version 3.4 (February 25, 2019):

  • ADD: Fully editable child templates to Novi Builder Startup; Shop; Corporate; Agency; Business; Personal; Car repair; Black friday; Christmas cards; Pet shop; Barbershop; Taxi; Personal Blog; Photographer Portfolio; Real Estate; Restaurant;
  • ADD: Novi Countdown plugin;
  • UPD: Novi Builder to v0.9.4;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes;

Intense Version 3.3 (January 25, 2019):

  • UPD: Revolution Slider to v5.4.8;
  • ADD: Fully editable child templates to Novi Builder
    • Application;
    • Book;
    • Event;
    • Product;
    • Startup;
    • Travel;
    • Child-care;
    • Dental-clinic;
    • Financial-analytic;
    • Gym;
    • Handmade;
    • Job Board;
    • Personal Blog;
    • Photographer Portfolio;
    • Real Estate;
    • Restaurant;
  • FIX: Unable to play video on the first slide of the Revolution Slider;
  • FIX: "Christmas" child template broken audio;
  • FIX: Broken skins;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes;

Intense Version 3.2 (October 30, 2018):

  • ADD: Black Friday landing page child;
  • ADD: Christmas Cards landing page child;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes; Childs:
    • ADD: Material Parallax;
    • ADD: Light Gallery;
    • UPD: Bootstrap from 3 to v4.1.1;
    • UPD: Adapt childs for Novi Builder;
    • UPD: Jade to Pug;
    • UPD: RD Mailform;
    • UPD: jQuery to v3.2.1;
    • UPD: jQuery Migrate to v3.0.0;
    • UPD: jQuery easing to v1.4.0;
    • UPD: RD Navbar to v2.2.5;
    • UPD: OWL Carousel to v2.2.1;
    • UPD: Google Maps Plugin;
    • DEL: RD Parallax, PhotoSwipe Gallery;
    • FIX: Counter and scroll issues;
    • FIX: Highcharts issues;

Intense Version 3.1 (September 04, 2018):

  • UPD: Novi Builder to v0.9.3;

Intense Version 2.3 (July 25, 2018):

  • ADD: Light Gallery;
  • UPD: Novi Builder to v0.9.2;
  • UPD: Bootstrap to v4.1.1;
  • Main theme;
  • Child care;
  • Dental clinic;
  • Financial analytic;
  • Gym;
  • Handmade;
  • Job board;
  • Personal blog;
  • Photographer portfolio;
  • Real estate;
  • Restaurant;
  • Application;
  • Book;
  • Event;
  • Product;
  • Startup;
  • Travel;
  • UPD: jQuery to v3.2.1;
  • UPD: jQuery Migrate to v3.0.0;
  • UPD: jQuery easing to v1.4.0;
  • UPD: RD Navbar to v2.2.5;
  • UPD: OWL Carousel to v2.2.1;
  • UPD: Google Maps Plugin;
  • UPD: Bootstrap Toolkit;
  • UPD: Flex Grid;
  • DEL: RD Facebook Feed, PhotoSwipe Gallery;
  • FIX: Progress Bar, Progress Circle and CountTo and scroll issues;
  • FIX: Isotope resize issues;
  • FIX: Swiper height issues;
  • FIX: isScrolledIntoView function issues;
  • FIX: Material Parallax size issues;
  • FIX: Responsive Tabs issues;
  • FIX: Other minor bug fixes;

Intense Version 2.2 (March 21, 2018):

  • ADD: Car Repair child;
  • FIX: Material Parallax;
  • FIX: Minor bug fixes;

Intense Version 2.1 (February 09, 2018):

  • UPD: Novi Builder to version 0.8.7;
  • ADD: Gallery Albums presets (for Novi Builder);
  • Fix: Mobile and tablet design fixes;
  • Fix: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 2.0 (November 14, 2017):

  • ADD: Novi Visual HTML builder;
  • FIX: Minor fixes.

Intense Version 1.10 (October 31, 2017):

  • ADD: 6 Landings.

Intense Version 1.9 (September 25, 2017):

  • ADD: Material Parallax;
  • ADD: Vide;
  • ADD: Mailchimp;
  • ADD: Campaign Monitor;
  • UPD: RD Mailform;
  • UPD: RD Twitter Feed;
  • UPD: RD Facebook Feed;
  • UPD: RD Flickr Gallery;
  • RPL: Jade with Pug;
  • FIX: Minor fixes.

Intense Version 1.8 (March 20, 2017):

  • New: Revolution Slider;
  • New: Minor bug fixes.

Intense Version 1.7 (January 16, 2017);

  • New: Barbershop - Multipage Bootstrap Template;
  • New: City Taxi - Multipage Bootstrap Template;
  • New: Cats - Bootstrap Template;
  • New: ## Intense Event Landing;
  • Fixed: Parallax js.

Intense Version 1.6 (September 28, 2016);

  • New: ## Intense Application Landing;
  • New: ## Intense Product Landing;
  • New: ## Intense Book Landing;
  • New: ## Intense Travel Landing;
  • New: ## Intense Startup Landing;
  • Fixed: Issue with facebook widget inside gallery;
  • Fixed: Issue with photoswipe controls.

Intense Version 1.5 (July 14, 2016);

  • Email Template. Now, you can use a responsive template for email marketing campaigns. With its help, recipients will be able to view your letters via portable devices. It matches ## Intense visual style and is compatible with MailChimp.

  • Fixes Instagram Issue. Instagram options were removed, as the network forbids to use its content on third-party resources; Facebook Issue. Facebook options were brought back in order after the network's API change.

Intense Version 1.4 (June 09, 2016);

  • Job Board Child Theme. Promote recruitment services with a new child theme of ## Intense. For easier search, job seekers can use keywords, specify the necessary location, and filter vacancies by categories.Commercial Skin. The updated package of ## Intense has a solution for people involved in trading. The skin makes skilful use of new offer boxes, testimonials' slider, search by both keywords and categories, and more.
  • Home Intro Landing Page. Meet and greet your prospects with a conversion-oriented landing page. Its elaborate design makes use of clear, concise info and brings your message into focus.
  • Full-Screen Portfolio Layout. Now, designers, photographers, and other artists can show off their works in elegant tiles. For easier browsing, this portfolio type features sorting and quick view options.
  • Google reCAPTCHA. Secure your site against spammers with reCAPTCHA. Instead of solving a CAPTCHA, users can confirm they are real humans with a single click.
  • Charts and Graphs. Visualize your data to make it easier for readers to digest. You can use elements of 25+ types, from a line chart with a submenu to column graph with a filter.
  • Under Construction Page. This skillfully animated and patterned template is meant to inform the audience about working on your website launch or redesign. It features a countdown timer to show how much time is left until the launch and a subscription form to let visitors get a notification.
  • About Us Page Variation 2. Use this version to introduce your company, show current vacancies, and motivate people to join your team.
  • Team Member Page Variation 2. Improve the information value of your team member page with this template. It allows you to add certificates, highlight your achievements and share useful pieces of information with visitors.
  • Appointment Page Variation 2. Using this template, your appointment page can feature a user-friendly schedule besides the booking form. It can let prospects check your free hours and make an appointment when you are available to avoid any confusion.
  • FAQ Page Variations. In the new package of updates, you can find three different designs of the FAQ page. Now, it's possible to complement the info with visuals and contact block in case readers still have questions.
  • Offer Boxes. Use these components to display categories of your offerings in a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate way.


  • Thumbnail Component. Let visitors take a closer look at images on the same page. Rayen thumbnail gives an access to a quick view option on hover.
  • Form Elements Component. Replace standard checkboxes with elegant toggles in your web forms.
  • Testimonials Component. ## Intense comes with a new slider type to diversify the ways of arranging customers' testimonials on the page.
  • Updated Documentation. Check out new guidelines on how to use recently added features of the template.

244 Reviews for this product

Very Nice Template, really enjoyed, Excellent Theme, must be purchased, I was looking for some of the great templates in so many sites but it was hard to find, then I found this in template monster and it is really fantastic, I am a Web designer company so we know the best theme, in this theme, I can find all the option which I need to create a dynamic website, so believe me go for this template you will never regret, Thanks
This template is full of great details and very useful tools, alongside with many options to be used in different situations. The template code is clear. CSS, HTML, Javascript and all other sources are well documented. Though I suggest to put the path to revolution and other extension in a config section separately from other js code. It takes a long time for user to guess how it should be properly organized. In general it is super great. Thanks!
Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your suggestion and will take it into consideration. If you'd like to share some examples, please contact us at -
Impressive! I love the designs included to the template, and Novi builder makes the setup very easy
hat alles funktioniert, man muss allerdings ein bisschen suchen bis man es heausfindet wie das Ganze funktiniert und zusammnegehört. Leider bekomme ich die E-Mail Funktion nicht zum Laufen.
It is a very complete solution. It requieres more documentation but it is a good template

0 Comments for this product


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Customer Support

4.4 /5
Support rating (664 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 516 4 43 3 14 2 9 1 82
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



Additional Info:

Bootstrap Version:

Language support:

Images included:


Design Software:

General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility: