- Web Templates
- E-commerce Templates
- CMS und Blog Templates
- Facebook Templates
- Website-Builder
This tutorial will show you how to install PrestaShop 1.7.x. template.
Diese Tutorial zeigt wie man das Thema im Magento Store installiert.
The following tutorial is going to show you how to add an icon into Custom block in Shopify.
It is easy as ABC to add all the needed product categories to the main menu. But often it is necessary to add CMS pages to the menu as well, the process of which can be confusing sometimes.
This tutorial will show you how to create a new product in OpenCart 2.x.
The following tutorial shows how to integrate Google Adsense into OpenCart based website.
Hello! This tutorial will guide you on how to create a .CSV file for WooCommerce website. Using this .CSV file you will be able to import products to the store.
This tutorial will show you how to change the layout (from grid to list) on Search results pages in your Magento store.
Magento 2 has introduced a built-in command-line interface tool based on Symfony Console Component. The instructions below will brief you on basic frequently-used Magento 2/Unix commands.
The following tutorial will show you how to add social icons links to website header/footer.
Working with Magento e-commerce store you can encounter the issue with the missing products. For example, you added product to some category and it's not displayed at the frontend.
We are glad to present you a new tutorial on how to edit default pages content in OpenCart 2.x
The following tutorial will show you how to find out the names of the modules used on a page.
This tutorial shows how to manage TemplateMonster Color Switcher module
It is a good practice to set your store to maintenance mode when performing upgrades or routine maintenance. Join us as we guide you on modifying the maintenance message for your OpenCart 2.x store.
The following tutorial shows how to refresh modifications cache in OpenCart 2.x.
In this tutorial we will show you how to work with TM Mega Menu module in our PrestaShop templates for 1.7x version of the engine.
This tutorial will show you how to configure TM Mega Menu module (v.1.7.0+).
This tutorial will guide you on how to edit footer copyright notification in Prestashop 1.7.x. templates.
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This tutorial will show you how to manage TM Category Products in Prestashop 1.6.x.
Our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that will show you how is it easy for you to work with "TM Product Zoomer" module in our PrestaShop templates.
In this tutorial we will show you how to deal with missing translations in the newly added languages in Opencart 2x templates.
Hi there, we are glad to present you a new tutorial on how to manage image dimensions in OpenCart templates (starting from version 2.2).
Hello! This video tutorial shows how to disable product image pop up on single product pages in OpenCart templates.
Hello! Today we are going to learn how to manage Product page options in Magento 2x themes.
Usually the mega menu consists of 6 menu items. To add one more item perform the edits, suggested in this guide.
Hello, today we're going to explain you how to correct cart update issue in WooCommerce.
This tutorial will show you how to remove the Blog link from the Mega Menu in Shopify.
Using the instructions below you will learn the basics of TM Mega Layout module management, e.g. changing in-built presets and adding new in Eveprest based template.
Our support team is ready to present you our new tutorial on how to change the newsletter popup content in Shopify themes.
Hello,this tutorial will show you how to manage construction icons (based on Molotok theme) in PrestaShop 1.6.x.
This tutorial will show you how to fix Instagram feed on OpenCart 2.x templates.
Our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to change number of products on collection pages in Shopify.
This tutorial will show you how to deal with the Oops! Something went wrong...This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details JS error in Magento templates.
This tutorial will guide you on how to enable and manage SEO-friendly URLs in Prestashop 1.7.x.
With this tutorial you will learn how to deal with 'Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future' error after Opencart 1.5.x theme installation.
This tutorial will show you how to set up columns (layouts) in PrestaShop 1.7.x.
This tutorial is going to show you how to add multiple product images in your OpenCart 2 template.
This tutorial will show you how to manage "TM Progress Bars" module in OpenCart 2.x
In this video tutorial we are going to show you how to make social icons open in new tab.
This tutorial will show you how to work with TM ABC Customers module in Opencart 2.x.
The following tutorial will show you how to manage TM Header Account module.
The following instructions will show you how to access HTML/CSS files in Shopify based templates.
This tutorial will show you how to manage error reporting in OpenCart 2.x.
Hello! This video tutorial shows how to fix the missing Google Map in Shopify templates.
The following tutorial is going to show you how to manage store title and contact information in PrestaShop 1.7.x.
The following tutorial will show you how to redirect a category page link to a custom one in Magento 2.
This tutorial shows how to use basic OpenCart related products functionality which is quite useful for boosting your sales and conversion rate.
This tutorial will show you how to work with "TM 360 View" module in Prestashop 1.6.x templates.
This tutorial will show you how to re-index data in Magento 2.x. and in what cases is it needed.
Hello,this tutorial will show you how to create a simple product in PrestaShop 1.7.x.
Hello. Today we are going to learn how to manage missing menu items in TM Mega Menu module issue.
This tutorial will show you how to manage "TM Homepage Category Gallery" module in PrestaShop 1.6.x templates.
Hello! Today we are going to learn how to manage TM One Click Order module in PrestaShop.
This tutorial shows you how to manage "TM Media parallax v 2.x" module.
Following the instructions below you will be able to switch storefront themes' designs included to the Magetique template.
In this tutorial we will show you how to switch theme layouts in Magetique theme for Magento 2 store.
The following tutorial will show you how to manage TM MotoPress Slider module.
We are glad to present you a new tutorial on how to switch layouts in Shopify.
This tutorial will show you how to re-deploy static view files in the admin panel in Magento 2.1.x.
This tutorial will help you learning how to create categories and assign them to the menu.
This tutorial will show you how to enable Flat Catalog in Magento 2.
The following tutorial will show you how to manage TM Lookbook module in PrestaShop 1.6.x.
In this tutorial we will show you how to edit the default colors in our Magetique template for Magento 2.
Hello there! This time we will learn how to deactivate the Demo Store notice at your Magento site. For deleting that information from your store, please, follow the steps indicated below.
This tutorial will show you how to create PayPal merchant account.
This tutorial will show you how to add a new language to PrestaShop 1.7 website.
This tutorial will show you how to change the maximum logo size in Shopify.
This tutorial provides a detailed explanation on how to install the PrestaShop 1.7.x engine.
We are glad to present you a new tutorial on how to work with 'TM Deal of the Day' module.
We are going to provide you with short overview of "TM Layout Builder" module. This module serves for quick, simple and handy creation of different variants of the store main page.
Hi! Today we are going to learn how to manage TM Advanced Filter module in PrestaShop templates.
Hello! This video tutorial shows how to manage TM Look Book module in PrestaShop templates.
The following tutorial will show you how to manage TM Lookbook module in OpenCart 2.
This tutorial shows how to set pricing for your products in PrestaShop 1.6.x.
The following guide covers troubleshooting techniques on shopping cart related issues in WooCommerce templates.
In this tutorial we will show you how to work with the Megamenu extension in Magento 2x.
This guide will show you how to edit placeholder text for the checkout page.
This tutorial will show you how to change thumbnails' sizes in your Magento store.