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如果您正在寻找一个平面风格的主题,让您的机构网站具有专业的外观,那么您应该考虑这个财务顾问 WP 模板。蓝色、灰色和白色的对比为主题设计增添了正式的基调。顶部滑块下方的三个块以及背景层上的图标可以是激发用户对您的服务兴趣的一个很好的解决方案。倾斜线以一种相当不寻常的方式分隔内容。在页面底部,访问者可以找到 Google 地图来找到您的代理机构以及联系信息以便与您取得联系。该主题的响应式设计、SEO 优化代码和 WPML 集成将让您接触到对您的推荐感兴趣的每一位网络冲浪者。

这是带有作品集的企业 WordPress 模板





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该商业公司 WordPress 设计模板是响应式的





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这是带有 MotoPress Slider 的企业 WordPress 设计主题


MotoPress Slider 是 WordPress 的滑块插件,支持视频和动画图层。


MotoPress Slider 使您可以将幻灯片和动画图形插入您的网站,并通过易于使用的界面轻松修改组件。这是展示产品并吸引潜在客户注意力的好方法。

在这里找到新的MotoPress Slider WordPress 设计

这是 Bootstrap Business Bureau WP 主题


Bootstrap 是一个非常受欢迎的框架,它使网页编码、样式表和 JS 的工作变得更快、更容易。它是作为构建响应式设计的工具而构建的,但随着时间的推移,它增加了许多额外的整体性能。


在 Bootstrap 的帮助下,您可以使用基于 HTML 和 CSS 的版式、字体、表单、按钮、表格等模板来开发完全响应式的网页。

在这里找到更多Bootstrap WordPress 设计

这是视差商业公司 WordPress 主题





单击此处查看更多视差 WordPress 设计

这个 Business Bureau WordPress 设计是 Retina Ready




实现 Retina Ready 后,您的网站就可以通过 Apple 小工具进行访问,从而扩大潜在客户群体。

在这里查找最新的Retina Ready WordPress 设计主题

这是带有 MotoPress 编辑器的 Business Bureau WordPress 主题


MotoPress Editor 是设计无需 html 编码的网站页面的不错选择。


MotoPress Editor 使您能够通过使用内容模块快速编辑网页 - 无需 html 编码。

在此处浏览更多MotoPress Editor WP 模板

此商业 WP 模板适合搜索引擎


搜索引擎就绪是一个 WordPress 模板,可以轻松抓取网站并为其建立索引。



在这里找到新的搜索引擎友好的 WP 主题

14 Reviews for this product

A very nice and modern looking template that also looks good on tabelt and mobile. Depending on which base color is set, it gets a completely new character. The variety of display and layout options has absolutely convinced us.
Abbiamo trovato più difficoltà che con altri temi di Template Monster a configurare e installare: una volta capito le particolarità si può usare con profitto.
We were invited to develop the website of one of the Laboratories of the University of São Paulo, onde of the most important Universities in the South America and during briefing and plaining what to do one important point was to define the language for the site. Since this client had already contracted us to develop the website for a Symposium a couple of years ago and we bought one template from Template Monster, we decided there would be the right place to look for another template. In contact with support we were presented to Monstroid that fit exactly our needs. We bought Monstroid and started the first part (1/3) of the project, that has the perspective to be huge and to be a great way to get known in the academic environment, so it needs to look great. The most important of all is that the layout correspond to the client expectations in its functionality and design. Monstroid is a very stylish design with great capabilities, intuitive and simple navigation. Other major strength of Montroid/Template Monster is the great team providing support for the developers, all well qualified professionals available to help us user at any moment. We are really pleased with the results of this project and our plans include the development of other laboratories`s websites with Monstroid and other templates. We do really recomend Template Monster as your primary source of templates, we had never regret our aquisitions in Template Monster. Congratulations to the whole team of developers and consultants that create great templates making it easier to work with high quallity tools and resources.
I am a web developer and needed to find a template for my client's new business. They run a property tax consulting agency for high end corporate clients who wish to dispute their property tax assessment. The reason I chose this template was: 1) The template fit the theme of my client's new business 2) WordPress CMS makes it easy to make changes and add important plugins (e.g. appointment calendar). 3) Not only looks clean and modern but maintains responsive design. Having a fully responsive design was very important to my client, My client is now using this template (after my changes and additions) and is quite pleased. I would recommend this to whomever is reading this review. Additionally, when I had coding queries, questions about WordPress shortcodes, or possible template bugs, TemplateMonster live support (chat and support ticket) was eager to help with my issues. I'm sure there are those who have bought templates elsewhere, discovered bugs only to find the author unresponsive. Well, not so at Template Monster. Their technical support is unparalleled in this industry. They are available 24/7 and will not only help you with any problems but with minor coding as well. example: CSS how-to questions. For both templates and support, I will always recommend Template Monster!
This template has everything we were looking for. I saved a lot of time because the design was perfect for my needs. My content fit perfectly into it without tweaking the theme. Easy to change the main color of elements. (change green to red). My client already loves his new website and show it to everybody. I recommend it, top quality template and top quality design, very appreciate working with this one.

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Customer Support

4.1 /5
Support rating (271 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 198 4 12 3 6 2 5 1 50
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.




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