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Created: 2014年5月7日

Updated: 2014年5月7日

ID: 49159

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

免费访问480k项目 | 35% 关闭专属物品 加入,以 35% 关闭获取此项目

这是带有 Cherry 框架的平面设计师组合 WordPress 主题


Cherry Framework 4 在 GPLv3 面向对象框架下获得许可,具有独立的部分。



在这里查找最新的Cherry Framework WordPress 模板

这是 Bootstrap Design Store WordPress 设计


Bootstrap 是一个免费的前端网络,用于构建网站和网络应用程序。


由于使用 Bootstrap,网站将能够将其内容调整为任何屏幕尺寸。这对于 SEO 和网站用户来说都是必要的。

在这里查找最新的Bootstrap WordPress 设计主题

这是带有作品集的设计新闻 WordPress 设计模板





在这里查找更多Portfolio WP 主题

这个设计博客 WordPress 设计主题是搜索引擎友好的


搜索引擎就绪是一个 WordPress 主题,可让您轻松抓取网站并为其建立索引。


SEO 能够到达 Google 搜索结果的顶部并匹配最常见搜索引擎所需的排名因素。因此,您的网站在网络上可见。

单击此处查看更多搜索引擎友好的 WordPress 模板

此平面设计师组合 WordPress 模板已支持 WPML


WPML 就绪表明该主题可与 WordPress 多语言插件配合使用。


WordPress 多语言就绪设计模板可以帮助您设计多种外语的网站。

最新的WPML 就绪 WordPress 设计模板在这里

这个设计师作品集画廊 WP 主题是响应式的





在这里浏览更多响应式 WordPress 模板

3 Reviews for this product

Hello my name is Andres Sanchez, I'm from Colombia and I live in the city of Manizales. I recently purchased the template: Web Designer WordPress Theme CV which implement the plan to use on my website as www.andresanchez.com.co services portfolio. After a hard decision to choose a template that really are beautiful it all is chosen for three reasons: I design beautiful and functional single -Structure Pleasant navigation logic and thinking not only on me but on my clients. - I like the Cherry Technology framework, because it is intuitive and easy to set up, I'm already familiar with this. I am a freelance graphic designer and my background is not programming, I have some notions in HMTL and very little of CSS, and my clients want a complete package of my services as: corporate image, photos and web page and it is in the latter look where I turn to monster template because I need a practical and flexible solution that fits my needs and skills as a designer and in this monster template has been my great ally, its template are simply beautiful and its technology is always at the forefront of standards web. Finally I would like that template monster had a recurrent training program to buyers like me, with special prices in templates and tutorial videos certificates: SEO and AdWords advertising.
Thank you for your feedback! We're glad you're satisfied with the purchased template. We pass your wishes to our specialists and they'll take them into account. Feel free to leave all of your suggestions on this page - http://www.templatemonster.com/wishbox.php. Your thoughts are very important to us. Now we have YouTube channel with a lot of tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/TemplateMonsterCo and Knowledgebase - http://info.template-help.com/help/.
The atention and the support was great. his product are excelent
The template was very easy to use and customize. I am very happy with the product.

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Customer Support

2.9 /5
Support rating (52 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 24
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

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WordPress.com Compatibility:

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Bootstrap Version:

Cherry Framework Version:

Gallery Script:


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