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Created: 2016年4月20日

Updated: 2016年4月20日

ID: 58282

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

480k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 1健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 2健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 3健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 4健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 5健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 6健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 7健康诊断实验室Joomla模板 - Features Image 8
此医疗保健 Joomla 模板专为医疗机构设计,这些机构不仅关心他们提供的服务质量,而且希望保持其网站的视觉效果最新且有吸引力。通过此模板提供的简洁设计,可以非常轻松地构建值得信赖的在线接待台,这将有助于您为客户服务、展示服务和接收反馈。该模板的调色板具有淡紫色和紫色的柔和色调,由于其镇静作用,是任何医疗网站的最佳选择。为了方便您的客户,您可以在主页上的交互式 Google 地图上标记您的诊所的位置。要使这个响应式 Joomla 模板走向成功,您所需要做的就是用您自己的内容填充它。


TemplateMonster 是一个市场,您作为设计师或开发人员可以在这里出售您的网页设计软件、网站模板、设计元素、插件和扩展。成为数字产品供应商,每笔销售可赚取高达 70% 的佣金。

这是一个 Bootstrap 时尚与美容博客 Joomla 设计模板


Bootstrap 是一系列具有开源代码的工具。它适合使用 HTML、CSS 和 Javascript 制作网站和 Web 应用程序。


由于使用 Bootstrap,网站将调整其内容以适应任何屏幕尺寸。这对于 SEO 和网站访问者来说都是必要的。

最新的Bootstrap Joomla 主题在这里

这个 Medicine Joomla 主题是响应式的





单击此处查看更多响应式 Joomla 设计主题



当你旅行到某个地方时,远处的物体比近处的物体移动得慢得多。在网络业务中模仿这种效果 - 当背景图片移动得比内容和文章慢时,被称为视差。它通常用于在网站访问者眼中营造一种空间感。



最新视差 Joomla 设计在这里


Update (January 15, 2019): - Updated Joomla to version 3.9.1; - FIX: minor bugs.

5 Reviews for this product

Before I even bought this template, I already knew from the demo that it would be ideal for my project. But our project is not from the health area, so we are working on it, for adaptation. We are finding it difficult to modify it to our finality, but it would be interesting if Template Monster create other versions of this template, so it is multifunctional. We also changed the css of the module white buttons with icons also in two columns for navigation in mobile, this was much better. The template is light, very nice especially in mobile services and loads fast
Really enjoyed the simplicity of the design and the flow of colours
Template very well built. Template simple to use. I like so much contact form! This is a good template. Good on mobile vision!!
Used this template for a medical professional. He really liked the colors, so I didn't changed them. Just changed the photos and texts. Personally I would prefer a better Map module and facility to create an HTML Sitemap. Also I would suggest using awesome fonts for the icons and not the ones used. The customer is satisfied but I wasn't thrilled with it.
Thank you for your feedback. You may change the fonts to any other or add your own ones. Please use the following tutorial - As for the Sitemap, it's Joomla functional, you may add any third-party module and use it instead of the default one.
It's bright, positive and colorful. A good way to lure new patients. Tested!

0 Comments for this product


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