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How to send emails to all registered users in WordPress

Hello, our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to send emails to all registered users in WordPress
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How to fix PHP syntax errors in WordPress

Hello, our support is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to fix the PHP syntax errors in WordPress.
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How to display Facebook events on your WordPress site

We are going to show you how to add Facebook Events to your WordPress website. This plugin allows you to display Facebook page events on the site.
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How to optimize your WordPress database

We are going to optimize your WordPress database. The purpose is in clearing unnecessary data, reduce the size of the database to improve website performance.
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How to install WordPress in other languages

Let’s check how to select the needed language while installing WordPress and change it in WordPress dashboard then.
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How to create custom User registration form in WordPress

Today, we're going to show you how to create custom user registration form in WordPress.
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How to upgrade WordPress engine manually

If you don't have access to automatic WordPress updates or you want to control any single update on your own, then you need to follow Wordpress manual update process.
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How to display the last updated date of your posts in WordPress

Are you running a blog on WordPress? You may have a news agency and publish some news on your website, or publish any other kind of posts - in any case, it's a high time to make your website a bit more convenient for the visitors. This can be easily done by changing the way of your posts display and we're glad to share some useful tips for this.
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How to create a Facebook like box popup in WordPress

Today, we will walk through the best way to keep pace with new trends and add a Facebook like box popup to your website
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How to deactivate all plugins when not able to access WordPress dashboard

Hello, our team is ready to present you a new tutorial that shows how to deactivate all plugins when not able to access WordPress dashboard
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