
FlashMoto (Flash CMS)

This section deals with FlashMoto (Flash CMS) templates. Please use the navigation buttons below or main navigation menu to browser through topics.

Flash CMS Template Installation

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
Please read the instructions below to see how to install a Flash CMS Template.

I. Delivery E-mail: Flash Moto account

After you have purchased our Flash Moto template you will receive an email under “Flash Moto Accounts” telling you as follows (example):

Dear Customer,

Your account has been successfully created. Now you can log in to Flash Moto User Account
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How to duplicate objects

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to add a new popup

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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How to edit images

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to add a new page

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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How to edit text

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to add a new menu

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to install a flash CMS template

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage the media library

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage the gallery module

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to work with the font manager

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage effects

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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Flash CMS wizard overview

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage actions

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage website preferences

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage pages

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

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How to manage object placement position

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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How to add a new block

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and Español.…

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How to link menu buttons to external URLs

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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How to add a form module

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and Español.…

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How to manage menus

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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How to add a scroll

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian and Español.…

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How to configure the contact form

FlashMoto (Flash CMS)
November 15 2010
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