CIT Ionic 5 Starter Template App
MonsterONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo
CIT-V5 is a 'Starter proyect' ionic 5 application
Diverse design, clean, simple and luxurious.
Convenient, easy to use, save time. Fully functional, use many cases. Easy to customize.
CIT-V5 is built from the components of the ionic supply and is tailored to suit our needs. The template consists of four main parts: the component has been customized. The interfaces are designed based on the custom component. Social networking sites provided API. The native of Ionic is used to interact with your device.
About the available interfaces:+ 10 Skin Color
+ 15 Pages
+ 49 Components
+ 1 Home
+ 5 Animate pages effects
+ 5 Login pages
+ 3 Sign Up pages
+ 5 Profile pages
+ 3 Map pages
+ 3 Movies pages
+ 5 Parallax pages
+ 4 Payment pages, Paypal, Stripe & ngx-carg
+ 2 Qr pages
+ 4 TimeLine pages
+ 10 UI Css Components
+ fingerprint authenticator
+ One Signal msgs
+ Paypal & stripe payment, parameters
+ many other
Ready complete application:+ Firebase phone Authentication
+ Howler
+ Cordova
+ Capacitor
Ionic Components & Others:+ Animate.styles
+ Google Maps
+ Qr Scanner
+ Firebase
+ Fingerprint-aio
+ @ionic-native/Device
+ @ionic-native/camera
+ @ionic-native/file
+ @ionic-native/file-opener
+ @ionic-native/fingerprint-aio
+ @ionic-native/image-picker
+ @ionic-native/photo-viewer
+ @ionic-native/social-sharing
+ @ionic-native/splash-screen
+ @ionic-native/status-bar
+ @ionic-native/toast
+ @ionic/angular
+ @ngx-translate/core
+ @ngx-translate/http-loader
+ howler
+ html-to-image
+ ngx-card
About app:CIT-V5 is rewritten for Ionic's existing elements with classes and adds many designs for you to choose from.
CIT-V5 is made up of Sass, Angular, Ionic 5, Capactor or Cordova
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