Anime Sword Special Attack
The super classic anime, hentai sword slash with that shwing sound we all recognize and love so much. Perfect for japanese styled animations, YouTube gaming channels, video games, ninja, kung fu,...
Cutting Vegetables 2 Sound Effect
Sound effect of cutting vegetables with a knife. The sound effect is useful for video projects, film, video games, trailers, podcasts, radio projects and commercials. Available both in mp3 and...
Fast Hedge Trimming Sound Effect
Sound effect of fast hedge trimming with hedge clippers. The sound effect is useful for video projects, film, video games, trailers, podcasts, radio projects and commercials. Available both in mp3...
Lawn Mower 2 Sound Effect
Sound effect of lawn mower turning on and off, with the sounds of grass cutting and motor running in the middle. Useful for video projects, film, video games, trailers, podcasts and commercials....
Cutting Vegetables Sound Effect
SFX of cutting vegetables with a knife. Useful for ads, film, video games, radio, TV, trailers, teasers, podcasts and other video projects. Available both in mp3 and wav.Please rate if you...