Ocbee - Honey Bee Production WooCommerce Theme

Created: Jan 8, 2019

Updated: Oct 21, 2019

ID: 76540

MonsterONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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Ocbee - Honey Bee Production WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 1

Unique For Organic Beefarm & Honey Production Business

Ocbee has been released to perfectly dedicate for honey production, beekeeping, bee farm, food, medicine, cosmetics made of honey. Nothing can be more ideal than this effortless crafting of feature-rich Perfect Honey Bee Farming Store WordPress Theme for Food Producers shop, Suppliers and Organic Stores, Agriculture, Farm and Healthy Products

Elegantly meet all the requirements of beauty and wellness for bumblebee, honeybee making, Ocbee is the flat, minimalist and modern style theme functioned with fully responsive and retina-ready, polished to a professional degree of attention to detail. Born with 05+ homepage demos imported in 1-click, 02+ stunning shop page and 04+ product page layouts, Ocbee’s purposes are oriented design, responsive layout and special features to manage contents for Honey Manufacture.

This Intuitive & Elegant Honeybee Industry WordPress Theme uses both boxed and full-width style and unlimited color options to customize with color scheme manager. Ocbee comes integrated with premium Slider Revolution and powerful Elementor drag & drop page builder requiring absolutely no coding knowledge, which makes it become the most appealing & feature rich WordPress theme that’s made for every purposes of exploiting bee for food, medicine, csmetics, etc




  • Add required plugin https://prnt.sc/13fkdrh
  • Change code https://prnt.sc/13fkfyd

3 Reviews for this product

Very Nice Design and client love it so much. Beautiful html template, it fully suited my needs. With parallax effect and the map integration, it looks even more professional, also looks great in tablets and phones. Great JOb..
Best theme! I recommend it for everyone! Great design and usability!
Je suis très content de ce modèle. Il a une conception propre, agréable et facile à personnaliser. C'était la solution idéale pour le site web de mon client qui possède un cabinet dentaire. Il a demandé un boutique enligne complet en 3 jours et j'ai réussi grâce à ce modèle. J'ai facilement traduit le thème en utilisant WPML. J'ai réussi à mettre à jour vers la dernière version de Wordpress et Woocommerce sans rencontrer de difficultés. Je vais certainement acheter des thèmes de Template Monster. Merci beaucoup!

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