VIBRA - Music Store WooCommerce Theme
MonsterONE - Unlimited Downloads for $14.10/mo
VIBRA is a new WooCommerce theme for WordPress, built entirely with Bootstrap and ACF, designed for online music stores, including CDs or vinyl for retro-themed stores. VIBRA could very well be the little brother of MUZAK, our other WordPress theme designed for music databases.
In addition to publishing news and products, with VIBRA you will also be able to assign artists (bands, musicians) to each album (or vinyl), each one with their mini biography and their products, being better cataloged. In the same way, it has optional search plugins such as AJAX Search and Filtered Search, to give the consumer a more comfortable experience when searching the store's database. It also has a dark mode, the design is Responsive and it has pre-designed modules to fill custom fields.
If you have a music store, either to sell instruments or a retro record store with CDs and vinyl or even if you are a musician looking for a personal site to sell your creations, VIBRA is an interesting and different option from its aesthetic proposal.
Changelog - MAY 2024
- Demo updated
- Compatible with latest WP and WC versions - OCT 2023
- Demo updated
- Compatible with latest WP and WC versions
1.0.3 - APR 2023
- Demo updated
- Fixed some css styles
- Removed unused navbar menu
- Removed shop menu and replaced with Facet Flyout for Responsive view
- Removed unused social icons and added new
- Compatible with latest WP and WC versions
1.0.2 - JAN 2023
- Demo updated
- Fixed some css styles
- Added H1 tag to titles
- Added Carousel on/off for home sliders
- Enabled child terms for Artist taxonomy; this is ideal to make the Artist "Alternative name" tag
- Updated Woo templates to latest version
1.0.1 - September 2022
- Demo updated
- Fixed some css styles
- Fixed pagination issue
- Added H1 style to title on product page and single post
- Added Out of stock and Backorder custom text for shop
- Removed unuseful imagesloaded.js
- Removed Ramsthemes Addons, his functions are now integrated in theme
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