FurniCode - Ecommerce Store Website Template

FurniCode - Ecommerce Store Website Template

Created: Jan 5, 2022

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

ID: 223098

This product is temporary unavailable

This template is also well suited for an electronics store, fashion store, etc, and includes 45+ unique HTML files.

The package includes ten ready-made HTML sets: dark blue, blue, green, light green, violet, red, orange, pink, turquoise, yellow. You can use anyone you like.

The template also includes SASS files, you can use them to customize settings and colors via SASS variables.


  • Two Home Page layouts
  • Three Shop Layouts
  • Two Product Layouts
  • Two Blog Layouts
  • Order Success Page
  • Order Details Page
  • Ten different color schemes
  • Quickview
  • Account Pages
  • W3C validated
  • Based on Bootstrap 5.x
  • Powerful Responsive menu
  • 100% Responsive Layout
  • CSS3 Animation
  • SVG & Font Icons
  • BEM syntax
  • Pure Js (No jQuery)
  • Roboto & Montserrat Google Font
  • Compatible with all major browsers
  • Megamenu
  • Fancybox Gallery

Source & Credits


  • Roboto - Free Google Font Roboto
  • Montserrat - Free Google Font Montserrat

Used Frameworks, Javascript Libraries & Icon packs:

  • Bootstrap v5.0.1 - http://getbootstrap.com/
  • Fancybox v4.0.0 - https://fancyapps.com/docs/ui/fancybox/
  • noUiSlider v15.5.0 - https://refreshless.com/nouislider/
  • SimpleBar.js v5.3.5 - https://grsmto.github.io/simplebar/
  • Swiper v6.6.2 - https://swiperjs.com
  • Nice Select v2 - https://bluzky.github.io/nice-select2/
  • Accordion v3.1.1 - https://github.com/michu2k/Accordion
  • FlatIcon - https://www.flaticon.com/
  • Font Awesome v5 - https://fontawesome.com/
  • Tabler Icons v1.49.0 - https://fc-example-icons.io/
  • CSS.GG Icons v2.0 - https://css.gg/

Please Note:

The images any media/elements used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.


Version 1.0 (23 December, 2021)

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About Author

Enthusiast Author


Bootstrap Version:


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Requirements for software and hosting:

Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++