Bardzo dobry szablon wiele dodatków, funkcji dobrze rozbudowany i zakodowany używam go od pół roku i jestem bardzo zadowolony polecam go wszystkim. Swobodnie można nim żonglować i modyfikować w dowolny sposób dla użytkownika. Na początku myślałem że będzie mocno skomplikowany ale okazał się prosty w użyciu, edycja sliderów czy też menu restauracji to czysta poezja. Przebrnąłem przez wiele szablonów ale ten jest wyjątkowy.
Restaurant - Responsive WordPress theme
This product is temporary unavailable

- Drag and Drop Page Builder ( Visual Composer )
- Revolution Slider
- Custom Visual Composer Elemets
- One click Demo setup
- RTL Support
- WordPress Live Customizer
- Super Clean Responsive Design
- Powerful, Easy to Use, Admin Panel and Theme Options
- Custom Widgets
- SEO optimized HTML structure
- Powerful Page and Post Meta Options
- Child Theme Ready
- Documentation Included
- Based on Bootstrap 3.x
- Contact form 7
- Events
- WooCommerce
- Google Map
6 Reviews for this product
An uncomplicated theme
This theme is quite simple, we used it directly to a restaurant, as they wanted something that was practical and quick to change and show their dishes, we chose a theme from the same segment.
We do not need to change a lot to come up with a very good result for this customer, as you can see the theme matches the company.
The installation took place in a quiet way, we fed the site with the information and we made little customization of CSS, we had no setbacks at this stage.
Unfortunately we will not be able to pass a previous link because the site is in its final phase, part of correction and adaptation of some texts and images.
Above all we would like to thank the Template Monsters again, because whenever you need support they are ready to help us.
buon prodotto, senza dubbio uno dei piu belli per i ristoranti o simili. Trovo che la parte MENU non sia sufficientemente personalizzabile. Sarebbe opportuno poter creare dal pannello di amministrazione altre pagine MENU, tra l'altro è impostato il dollaro e non è possibile modificare in euro se non attraverso i file dell FTP. Per il resto nulla da dichiarare per adesso, sembra tutto piuttosto scorrevole. Buon prodotto.
This is the best site I've ever had.
It is very intuitive, the images are of excellent quality.
And programming is one of the most advanced.
My client was very satisfied, he has a baking company and the layout was perfect for his market.
In this way he is acquiring more customers with this new tool.
Данный шаблон выполнен очень качественно. Устанавливается очень быстро, благодаря четкой инструкции. Редактировать просто. В скачанном архиве не обнаружил исходников в psd, но они мне и не были нужны, т.к. тему можно с легкостью редактировать с админ-панели. Сотрудничаю с TemplateMonster впервые, переживал, что не получится установить самостоятельно, но понял что все переживания были в пустую. В общем доволен всем, и буду рекомендовать обязательно! Тема - супер. Всем удачный покупок и легких установок.
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