Kiran - Charity Non-Profit React Template
MonsterONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

Charity Non-Profit react Template is unique featured for the charity, fundraising, donation or other related activity. This theme is developed using latest technology and with new trend. This template is very creative and unique design. It has all necessary eye catching feature that make it different template. It is a best solution for the creation of best website regarding charity and donation. This theme is a flexible that can suitable to all the devices. It is a clean and unique design. It have very beautiful mobile menu that make it very attractive in mobile device. All the code in this theme are well commented from which any developer can easily understand the function ability of the code. Charity Non-Profit react Template has a donation page from which any donator can donate money. Charity Non-Profit react Template have a blog page with right and left sidebar option user can use any of the blog page design according to their requirement this blog is required by any website to display all the updation in the fiel of the charity and donation this blog also help to the user to get updated.
- Blog Grid
- Blog Single
- About Us
- Donation Form
- Gallery
- 404 Page
- Coming Soon
- Contact Page
- Cause Grid
- Cause Detail
- Gallery
- Sign Up
- Appointment Form
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