Brush Sharp | Multipurpose Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template

Brush Sharp | Multipurpose Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template

Created: Jun 11, 2020

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

ID: 103907

This product is temporary unavailable

Brush Sharp | Multipurpose Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template - Features Image 1

Brush Sharp Multipurpose Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template

Brush Sharp is a unique, modern Cleaning Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Template. Brush Sharp is perfect for any cleaning agencies, window cleaning services, dry clean, house service, maid services, baby-sitter, personal cleaner website. Packed with high-quality 3 niche oriented homepages and 19 built-in awesome inner pages such as about, departments, department details, timetables appointments, multiple blog layouts, faq, team, contact form details, services, service details etc.

While designing Brush Sharp we used Bootstrap 4. It’s 100% responsive that’s why it will work nicely on all smart devices(smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops). It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s why anyone can change it easily.

Brush Sharp Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template Features

  1. Functioning Contact Form
  2. Full Responsive and most advanced UI
  3. Clean Design
  4. Google Fonts
  5. Clean and well commented codes
  6. Well documented
  7. Contact Form Working
  8. Cross browser compatible – IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
  9. And Much More

Brush Sharp Responsive Cleaning Services Website Template Pages

  1. about us page
  2. blog details page
  3. blog details nosidebar page
  4. blog details slider page
  5. blog details video page
  6. blog list grid 1 page
  7. blog list grid 2 page
  8. blog list grid sidebar page
  9. blog list standared page
  10. blog list standared left sidebar page
  11. blog list standared no sidebar page
  12. cart page
  13. checkout page
  14. clients page
  15. coming soon page
  16. contact us page
  17. cost calculator page
  18. error page
  19. faq page
  20. gallery 2 page
  21. gallery 3 page
  22. gallery 4 page
  23. gallery after before page
  24. gallery after before 2col page
  25. index page
  26. index 2 page
  27. index 3 page
  28. index 4 page
  29. login page
  30. portfolio col 3 page
  31. portfolio col 4 page
  32. portfolio details page
  33. portfolio masonry page
  34. pricing 1 page
  35. pricing 2 page
  36. product details page
  37. services 1 page
  38. services 2 page
  39. services details page
  40. shop page
  41. shop col 4 page
  42. signup page
  43. team 1 page
  44. team 2 page
  45. team details page
  46. testimonials page

5 Reviews for this product

ME gustó mucho. Colores atractivos, fluida, fuentes coherentes, excelentes imágenes, estupendos efectos.
Thank you for your feedback Alfredo Orozco Escobar
Данный шаблон имеет прекрасный визуал. Универсальный и подходит под разные темы бизнеса. В целом его можно использовать не только под тематику клиринга, а и другие направления. Адаптивен и хорошо оптимизирован, имеет документацию, мне как разработчику отлично подошёл. Соответсвует всем показателям поисковых систем. Чистый валидный код. Советую данный шаблон для всех у кого есть подобная задача.. В целом уже 5 шаблон покупаю. Пока были вопросы только по готовому шаблону вордпресс. А чистые html шаблоны радуют.
Thank you Белинский Александр Николаевич
This is a great template. It's clean and functions are expected. It's also simple to update and customer support is top-notch. Highly recommend this or any template from this author.
Thank you for your feedback Marc, truly apprecited.
Nice-looking template but just know that the images are not provided at the purchase. However, after leaving an initial review, Slidesigmathemes contacted me and graciously offered to send me the images. That was great service and is much appreciated! It must be said that with them reaching out to me, I have decided to change my rating for this product. The template has a nice layout and smooth flow. Thank you, Slidesigmathemes.
Hello Bronson, Thank you for your review, we would have loved a 5 stars review from your end, anything we can help you with to deserve a 5 stars? We are always here to help. Looking forward to hear back from you
Please contact our support team and provide us with your email so we can send you the files with images, if this helps :)
Hello Bronson Smith, I hope this finds you well, I was just informed by our support team that they have sent you the files with images to your email, it would be truly appreciated if you may lift this review to 5 starts. Thank you
This is an excellent template for a House Cleaning Services client. Very impressed with the layout, ease of use, animation, and overall simplicity. The customer was thrilled that we were able to provide an excellent site with all relevant information and still be user-friendly. Thanks, Template Monster.
Hello Miguel A Rios Thank you for you rating and review, it's a pleasure that we were able to exceed your expectations!

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