Yugatchu Yacht and Boat Rental Angular JS Template
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Yugatchu Yacht and Boat Rental Angular JS Template
Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental is an all in one Angular JS Template that fits all marine sports websites.
With Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental you can compile a stand a along website to showcase the boats and Yachts you have with emphasis on details and product display, and you can easily add a functioning shop to provide the leisure for client to purchase, book and rent directly from your website.
Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental is not only used for e-commerce or stand a long website, you can also use it as a blogging platform if you are a marine enthusiast.
Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental is fully validated packaged with all the necessary components which you need to compile a professional website without the help of any developer.
With Detailed documentation and a professional support team ready to help you in-case you had any issues on your journey, you cannot go wrong. We have included all the assets including image and icons, fonts and more to help you get started without any 3rd party interference.
Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental Shop Pages
- Homepage v1 (/app/components/pages/home)
- Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/home-two)
- Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/blog-grid)
- Blog Left (/app/components/pages/blog-left)
- Blog List (/app/components/pages/blog-list)
- Blog Details (/app/components/pages/blog-details)
- About Us (/app/components/pages/about)
- Classification (/app/components/pages/classification)
- FAQ's (/app/components/pages/faqs)
- Legal (/app/components/pages/legal)
- Team (/app/components/pages/team)
- Gallery v1 (/app/components/pages/gallery)
- Gallery v2 (/app/components/pages/gallery-two)
- Contact Us (/app/components/pages/contact)
- Coming Soon (/app/components/pages/coming-soon)
- Shop Left v1 (/app/components/pages/shop-left)
- Shop Left v2 (/app/components/pages/shop-left-two)
- Shop Right v1 (/app/components/pages/shop-right)
- Shop Right v2 (/app/components/pages/shop-right-two)
- Shop Details (/app/components/pages/shop-details)
- Wishlist (/app/components/pages/wishlist)
- Cart (/app/components/pages/cart)
- Checkout (/app/components/pages/checkout)
- Login (/app/components/pages/login)
- Register/SignUp (/app/components/pages/register)
- My Account (/app/components/pages/account)
- Error 404 (/app/components/pages/error)
- Typography (/app/components/pages/typography)
Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.
Yugatchu Angular JS Yacht and Boat Rental Shop Features:
- Built on Angular 11
- Attractive Homepage
- Responsive in Any Device
- Retina Ready
- Creative and Beautiful Layout
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Clean And Professional Coding
- Creative and Modern Design
- Bootstrap (v4.6.0)
- Simple Client-side Routing (page based)
- Google Font and Icon Used
- Integrated With IcoFont and FlatIcon
- Easily Customizable
- Well Commented Code
- Detailed Documentation
Images Used
Images used from Freepik
Images used from Unsplash
Images used from Pexels
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