Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 44

Created: May 25, 2018

Updated: May 25, 2018

ID: 69524

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Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 1Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 2Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 3Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 4Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 5Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 6Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 7Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 8Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 9Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 10Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 11Cloud - Domain and Hosting Multipage Website Template - Features Image 12

This is a simple, fast and good-looking Domain And Hosting Multipage HTML5 Template for your future hosting website. It will allow you to start your hosting business with a fully-functional website. Your customers will be able to get services like registering a domain name for their sites with the help of just a few clicks of a button. You'll be also able to provide such services as cloud hosting, shared hosting, and dedicated hosting very easily, the interface is optimized for this. With this template, it's also easy to provide e-mail and DNS services and register your customers at one of the most popular domains.

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Bootstrap 4 Hosting Provider web template

What is it?

Bootstrap 4 is one of the recent versions of the framework for building HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sites.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap 4 is operated using advanced components, a lot quicker stylesheet and works with all of the releases of major web browsers.

View latest Bootstrap 4 website design templates here

This is a Parallax Computers & Internet Store website design template

What is it?

It's a specific process when the background image moves slower in perspective when compared to the elements of the foreground. Due to this, Parallax leads to a feeling of a three-dimensional space.

Why is it Good?

A web page with parallax scrolling effect instantly attracts the interest of a user and boosts company's popularity as a result of enticing design.

Find more Parallax website designs here

This is a Bootstrap Business website design

What is it?

Bootstrap is a collection of tools with an open source code. It is perfect for making websites and web applications with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Why is it Good?

Due to the use of Bootstrap a website can adjust its content to any screen size. It's necessary for both SEO and website visitors.

Find latest Bootstrap website designs here

This Computer Reveiw website design is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders a web site page same exact well on any kind of screen size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design delivers a better UX for those who check out a website on a smartphone or any other gadget, also really helps to raise positions of a website in Google search.

Latest Responsive website designs here

This Domain Services web template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

The Search Engine Friendly internet site enables any searcher to get every page of the internet site, define the information and index all of them in the database.

Why is it Good?

The Search Engine Friendly layout is really an excellent general platform to begin promoting and boosting search rankings of the website. It is really more convenient to deal with such a website for Search engine optimisation specialist simply because part of the work is already accomplished.

View latest Search Engine Friendly web templates here

4 Reviews for this product

Шаблон хорош. А если мне нужен точно такой же шаблон, но для Wordpress, что мне для этого нужно сделать?
Благодарим Вас за запрос. Есть несколько решений по предоставлению данного шаблона в WordPress формате. Более подробную информацию Вы можете найти в тикете -
Ottimo layout. Grafica accettivante e moderna. Diversi modelli di pagine all'interno. Buona selewzione di immagini. Cosnigliato.
The structure of the template fit perfectly with the business model I am designing. Also, organization of content helps me scale quickly
This template is amazing. The code is written in pugjs which makes it very easy to customize. Comes with complete source code and PSDs. Highly recommended!

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